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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 12/ 5/07 - 11:39am
Author: Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori
Subject: SSB Antenna

I was wondering if any of you Mariner 40 skippers are operating a marine SSB or HF ham radio from your vessel and, if so, what are you using for an antenna? It would seem an insulated triatic would be a bit short -- at 18 feet or so -- for an antenna tuner to adequately tune, particularly at the longer wavelength end of the SSB/HF bands. And the split backstay doesn't lend itself to an antenna application, either. So, I'd like some practical advice on what works for you and how well it works on which bands.
-- lmk // KD7WZ

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[> Sea Treks -- Chuck, - Wednesday - 12/ 5/07 - 9:49pm

We have had an Icom 710 aboard and functioning quite well far several years with an AT130 tuner and the starboard main backstay insulated. Often reach thousands of miles with no issues other than propagation.

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[> [> Insulated Backstay -- Lawrence Killingsworth - M40 Ta' Ata Ori, - Friday - 12/ 7/07 - 6:00pm

Thanks, Chuck. Sounds like you have two backstays (port & starboard) for your main, rather than a split backstay. That would give you enough length for the tuner to work on all bands. Am I correct?

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[> [> [> correct -- Chuck, - Friday - 12/ 7/07 - 10:43pm

We do have a dual backstay. If that is not what you have you could consider a separate wire strung in an almost permanent position instead of using the backstay and at least 23' long. A good source of info is at


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[> [> [> [> Thanks -- Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata ori, - Monday - 12/10/07 - 12:15pm

Thanks, Chuck, for the info and the link.
We have a split backstay at present, but we are completely re-rigging Ta' Ata Ori with all new masts, standing rigging and running rigging. Our plan is to replace the split backstay with dual backstays and insulate one of them. Maybe I'll call you on the radio when we get it done in the spring.
I appreciate your help on this.

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