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Date Posted: - Friday - 04/ 4/08 - 8:21pm
Author: Steve M-32 #59
Subject: wood for posts
In reply to: Jake 's message, "Samson posts" on - Friday - 04/ 4/08 - 3:19pm

It somewhat depends on your location. As I recall you are on the east coast. Ash would work though I would be leery of the long term durability if you can't keep some good varnish on them (which would be difficult given their use). I did mine with old growth Douglas Fir which is local and not too expensive for me. All our fishing boats here in the Pacific Northwest are built with it and it seems to hold up fairly well. I haven't used it myself but I understand Cypress is a good boat wood that is available in that area. White Oak (NOT RED!) would also be a good choice with about the same durability of Ash.

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[> doug fir for the sprit? -- Randall (), - Sunday - 04/ 6/08 - 1:51am

Steve, what do you think of DFir for the bow sprit? Clear fir is easier to source here than Sitka spruce (which is to say DFir is everywhere and SSpruce takes some hunting).


Last edited by author: Sun April 06, 2008 01:53:27   Edited 1 time.

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[> [> Doug Fir -- Steve M-32 #59, - Sunday - 04/ 6/08 - 4:12am

That's what I used. Doug Fir is technically not a fir but is actually a spruce related to Sitka and thus makes a suitable spar wood. I'll use it for the sprit and for the booms if I ever make new ones but I would still find Sitka Spruce if I were to make new masts.

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