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Date Posted: - Monday - 04/21/08 - 6:12pm
Author: Chuck Baier
Subject: Fuel Prices at $1.50 Per Gallon

No you did not read the subject line wrong. But let me also say
that neither the oil companies nor the government will do anything to
bring the prices down. To make this happen, and I believe it can
happen, it will take a concerted effort by all of us to finally take
charge of some of the circumstances that affect our lives. Here is how
I propose that you bring fuel prices back in line on a permanent basis.
If you target one oil company at a time, let's say we choose Shell Oil
for a starter, and beginning May 1st we stop buying ANY Shell products
until they bring fuel prices down to $1.50 per gallon.I think $1.50 is a fair price for them.Now that should not be hard since all it will mean is that you will need to drive another block or cross the street to buy at another station. You will
also need to get the word out to as many folks as possible as quickly
as possible. Copy and paste this note into your email and send it to
everyone on your contact list. Email it to all of your local newspapers
and TV stations, post it on all of the web sites that you visit, but please just spread the word.

The oil companies really believe we are all stupid and lazy. They
count on us to just watch the prices go up almost daily and believe we
will do nothing and take it. Let's show them that this is not the case.
They count on you believing that the prices are going up because of
hurricanes, unrest in certain countries, and someone in one of the oil
cartels getting a cold. This we are told increases prices immediately.
But when things work in the other direction the prices don't drop for
weeks or months and they count on you just accepting this. Once Shell is in line then it will be time to move on to the next company unless they have already seen the light.

High fuel prices affect what you have left in your paycheck to
buy food for you family, and pay your rent and mortgages. It increases your
grocery bill and makes everything you need and buy more expensive and even
whether you can take your family out to dinner this week. So now you
can take back what the oil companies have been taking from you. But it
means a bit of work and effort. It means that even if the prices are
higher at Chevron and Shell has not come down to $1.50, you will still
not buy from Shell.This will be the difficult but essential part of
this exercise. But if you look at serious boycotts by determined people
in the past it has brought about major changes in our lives. I can
think of no more important changes that are needed at this juncture in
time. Will you do it, and will you stop swallowing the lies and
manipulations of the oil companies? Will you make them give back some
of those billions of dollars they have taken away from you and your
family. I offer a possible solution and only you and I and our friends,
family, business associates and neighbors can make it happen. We need
everyone in on this one and perhaps tomorrow will look a little
better. The oil companies will tell you it won't make a difference and will
create shortages and mayhem in the market place. Have they been truthful
in the past? Let's let them know we are not lazy and stupid. We are determined
to take control of the things that affect our lives and we are ready to start today.
Are you with me? Let's not take it any more!

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[> SPAM -- GeneVT, - Tuesday - 04/22/08 - 8:14am


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[> [> And why is that -- Chuck, - Tuesday - 04/22/08 - 4:42pm

as a poster on this board and a Mariner 40 owner I am not sure what portion of my post constitutes spam. We are all concerned about the rising costs of fuel whether it be for our boats or our cars. You see it as spam I see it as a suggestion to help ourselves. I guess it is in the eye of the beholder.

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[> [> [> Opinion -- John, - Tuesday - 04/22/08 - 7:48pm

Well I for one am disgusted with the insane profits the oil companies are making, and there should be some kind of limit, like most local utilities. But the fact remains that there is a finite amount of oil, and we gotta start being realistic. China needs a lot of oil now, India is starting to need more, Africa is next. We're all using more! Keeping prices artifically low will only encourage us all to continue as we are. High prices energizes alternative energy sources, but it didn't have to come to this mad scramble for oil. If we had done something back in the 70's, after the embargo, we would be much better off now. Imagine if all the money thrown away in Iraq was spent on alternative energy! What happened to Fusion?

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[> insane profits -- Mike Anthony, - Wednesday - 04/23/08 - 5:21pm

I think that the profits being made by the oil companies are obscene. And I have no problem boycotting a particular oil company. But without sounding like a naysayer, I am not sure if we, as a society, are ready for the committment to do something like this. At least not in the numbers it would require to make a real difference. It would really take a very large group of people that are willing to spend a considerable amount of time to accomplish this. Believe me I am not trying to rain on the parade... I would love nothing more to take them to their knees. But I think that eventually sending out this email in quanity would cause it to be perceived as spam?

Mike & Paula
S/V Tivoli

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[> [> So sad -- Chuck, - Wednesday - 04/23/08 - 11:27pm

Unfortunately Mike I am afraid you are right. Our society just does not even have the desire to get off their fat.....sofas and do something to help themselves. And yes alternative energy sources and conservation will help but not soon and we will pay dearly. But that is why we sail, use solar and wind power to provide power and spend a lot of time in other parts of the planet.

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[> Elect new reps -- Mike m40 #61, - Saturday - 04/26/08 - 8:10am

The oil companies obtain approx 65% of crude we use from here in the USA. The other 35% comes from Canada, Mexico and Vens. The companies pay little royalties and no taxes on crude obtained from govt lands. In turn they charge OPEC prices on crude obtained at here. Tax payers have paid for drilling operations and pipelines. Who made the deal with them, CONGRESS!! WHO owns the stock from oil companies, WHO makes the money from overcharging? If the govt charged OPEC prices for the oil we would not have health care or ss issues. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!!! I think americans like getting screwed as long as we have a right to choice. haha Oh, stop the war, americans are gettig killed in Iraq, compare how many americans are getting killed here in our cities each day and compare how many people are getting killed in Iraq!! SAFER to live in IRAQ!!! Just my .02

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[> Gas Taxes -- Bill A, - Monday - 04/28/08 - 9:55pm

At the risk of throwing Gas on the flames (pun intended),per wikipedia for the first quarter of 2008, the average state gasoline tax is 28.6 cents per gallon, plus 18.4 cents per gallon federal tax making the total 47 cents per gallon. For diesel, the average state tax is 29.2 cents per gallon plus an additional 24.4 cents per gallon federal tax making the total 53.6 cents per gallon.

For various states the breakdown is as follows for the combinatrion of State + federal tax
California 62.8 cents per gallon
Connecticut 62.3 cents per gallon
New York 59.3 cents per gallon
Rhode Island 49.4 cents per gallon
Maine 47.5 cents per gallon
U.S. Average 47 cents per gallon
Massachusetts 41.9 cents per gallon
Vermont 38.4 cents per gallon
New Hampshire 38.0 cents per gallon
New Jersey 32.9 cents per gallon
Alaska 26.4 cents per gallon

That leaves $1.03 on average for the oil company.

One barrel contains 42 gallons of crude oil. with processing you get about 45 gallons of products with gasoline being about 20 gallons of gas per barrel.

I pay $3.50 for a gallon of milk. Should I boycott schepps dairy or Bordens dairy to force a lower milk price.

Starbucks if 4 to 5 dolars for a piss-ant cup of crappy coffee. I already boycott them but they still make a profit.

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