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Date Posted: - Monday - 09/18/06 - 7:16pm
Author: Capt'n Mike - Gypsy Mariner
Subject: Do you mean bobstay or dolphin striker?
In reply to: Susie 's message, "Moon Dance Dolphin Striker" on - Monday - 09/18/06 - 5:00pm

Do you mean the length of the "bobstay wire" OR the length of the "dolphin striker"? There are math formulae involved in these calculations too, but it basically comes down to the loads that can be handled by the fittings and the angle or leverage forces of the opposing stay. Making the dolphin striker longer will increase the staying angle for the bobstay and, thus, decrease the wire diameter (strength) needed to counter the forestay. The problem with making the dolphin striker too long is that it becomes more likely to be damaged by striking objects in the water (like dolphins)!
You could do away with the dolphin striker altogether and increase the diameter (strength) of the bobstay. This assumes you also increase the size of the pins, pin holes, turnbuckles, studs and any other associated rigging. This sometimes cannot be done without replacing chain plates and other hardware such as the cranse iron. I haven't done the math and probably won't, but the dolphin striker on the Mariner might be just for aesthetics. I personally like the looks of a dolphin striker, but the Bob Perry designed Tayana 37 has similar a similar bowsprit length and forestay staying angles to the Mariner 36 and 40's without a dolphin stiker. I think it uses a 1/2" diameter wire for the bobstay.
So, to answer the question of how long the dolphin striker should be depends on a lot of varibles. If you have the original bobstay wire and dolphin striker, just make new ones of the same length and diameter. If you don't care for the looks of the dolphin striker, then you can go without the dolphin stiker and increase the diameter of the bobstay wire and associated fittings. You can also rebuild like the original by getting the length of another M40's dolphin stiker and the bobstay wire diameter (3/8"?). My dolphin striker on my TM36 is about 25 inches long and the bobstay wire is 3/8 inch. I don't recall the length of the bobstay on Gypsy Mariner because I used Sta-Lok fittings and cut the wire to fit to the length of the dolphin stiker as it was fabricated in place.

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[> [> [> Bobstay -- Susie (Thankful), - Wednesday - 09/20/06 - 10:14am

I guess I need info. on both. I think the original owners reconstructed the bobstay and dolphin striker in a way that caused it to break off, perhaps the angles and lengths were wrong. Thanks for your suggestions...I am open to any kind of suggestion that would get this boat back to her original splendor.

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