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Date Posted: - Thursday - 10/12/06 - 7:21am
Author: Mike Anthony
Subject: She's now in the Water!

Tivoli is now in the water!! We hope to run some sea trails this weekend, specifically on the new engine. And then next week we will take her home, (Deep River, CT). I can't believe how high she sits, the top part of the rudder is out of the water, of course there is not much fuel, water or supplies on board yet. It is obvious she can carry a lot.
There is still a ton of work to do, but we have come this far and will finish. Bill posted some udated photos of Tivoli in the owners section, thanks Bill. As you can see there is still a lot to do, but I do love the lines of a Mariner.

Mike & Paula
S/V Tivoli

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[> Lead Ingots -- Bruce, - Thursday - 10/12/06 - 12:01pm

The new Westerbeke weights mush less than the Perkins. You will need to add some lead ingots into the bilge behind the engine. This will keep the rudder down in the water and the bob stay tang out of the water when at anchor or in the slip. This is a common problem when repowereing a Mariner which previously had a Perkins 4-107 or 4-108.

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[> Great photos -- Randall, - Thursday - 10/12/06 - 4:00pm

Congrats man. I had Murre on the hard for the better part of a year in 2003. There were times when I wondered if she'd ever be ready for the hoist, and if so, if she'd actually float.

Boats may look like boats on the hard, but they don't feel like boats till you get them in the water. And, as I recall, it feels real good. So congrats.

Photos look good. Nice spreaders, dude. :)

Given how busy my M31 keeps me, I admire the bravery of those of you who've attacked M40s. Man, what a job!


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[> Congrats !!! -- Bill Kranidis, - Friday - 10/13/06 - 6:15pm

I knew you had the guts to go all the way with the project when I met you and Paula. Good going, Mike.... Excellent job.

Now, sail the hell out of her :-)


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[> Oh, one more thing... -- Bill Kranidis, - Friday - 10/13/06 - 6:26pm

As far as the top of the rudder, showing.....don't worry about it. It will show anyway, from what I remember. Once you fill the fuel tank up, you'll know how she really sits. If she's still bow heavy, make sure the bobstay tang stays out of the water, by adding lead in the aft part of the bilge as suggested by Bruce.


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