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Date Posted: - Sunday - 11/19/06 - 7:52pm
Author: Craig M31 #25 Hibou
Subject: Autohelm
In reply to: Buzz Hall 's message, "I want more info on the Autohelm" on - Wednesday - 11/15/06 - 12:06am

Thanks for the compliments, Carrie and I have pu a lot of elbow grease on Hibou. Actually, the hull color is dark green.
No, I didn't install the autohelm myself. Unless a Raymarine certified mech. does the job the warranty is voided. I can add more photos, what are you wanting to see?
If you're going to intall an autohelm I would suggest paying the bucks for one with a gyro that "learns" how your boat handles. I'm having a devil of a time getting this model adjusted. At first it tracked well but wouldn't auto-tack. Now it tacks just fine but the wake, when on a set heading, looks like a snake's trail. I'm not talking little garter snake S's. No, these are anaconda size sweeps.
Feel free to email me, off list. It might make exchanging photos a little easier.


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