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Subject: Are we down? I can't get in.

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Date Posted: 04:39:23 03/22/05 Tue

It's 7:30 EST and I need my before work Steve fix. Help!!!! Seriously though, what's up with the board? I'm getting the page cannot be displayed message.
It's Tuesday, cold and mostly cloudy in Southwest Ohio. Weather forecasters are calling for rain later. At least it's supposed to warm up some when the rain gets here. Nothing much going on, work as usual. The band has started it's annual flower and calendar sales, which means I'll be going around with the girls to get orders. They really don't like doing it, so I kinda have to force the issue. It takes money off of their band fees though, so I push for them to sell the stuff. At least it's something you can use, unlike the junk we sold when I was in guard.
Have a great day all, and for those of you in Tornado Alley, Be Careful!!

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