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Date Posted: 10:03:14 06/28/03 Sat
Author: Willie flippit
Subject: Re: Anti joel-my ears are allway listening
In reply to: 5th turn 's message, "Anti joel-my ears are allway listening" on 01:48:50 06/28/03 Sat

He said the same thing last year. The driver's won't stand up to him because they are generally chicken s&*%T. But you are right, it was the out of town outlaw shows that moved this type of racing forward. The problem is that with only 1 track racing our type of cars, that insures they won't be around long.

The problem is that Joel owns the speedrome and has alot of influence in figure 8 racing. The reality is that he is just the caretaker of the speedrome. Even though he owns the track, he will eventually sell it and we will never hear another word about Joel. We, the fans will going to the speedrome long after Joel is a memory. But what I am afraid of is that he will suck the life out of the speedrome before he goes.

I think he has done alot of good for the speedrome, but he doesn't get the credit because people dislike him because of the way he mistreats people. He wants everything his way, like the keeping the late models at his track, and has no clue when he is wrong. Classic example of someone that wants what he wants and could care less about the fans.

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  • Re: Anti joel-my ears are allway listening -- Beth, 11:52:21 06/28/03 Sat
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