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Date Posted: 17:03:20 06/22/03 Sun
Author: JDbyrideryoung1
Subject: Re: how about that 150 lapper?!
In reply to: COYOTE 's message, "Re: how about that 150 lapper?!" on 16:45:16 06/22/03 Sun

Coyote, man that was bill who wrote that. He did register as Fortner20 and that will be his SN from now on. The whole thing is, is the fact that you have to work with what you have. Its easily said in that manner. He does a good job considering the parts and experience that he posses. Every race he is learning a new thing or two for that fact. I mean for someone to hang all over a couple of racers nuts, thats not right. How would they know, what was actually going on unless they were inside his race car with everything exactly the same as it would be if Bill was in there? We can let people run their mouths thats fine i prefer to act like a sensible individual and not play around and do things civilized. But in the same fact it was also very clear that in the crossover accident involving Bill F. and Bill Tunny, Bill Tunny did not let off the gas whatsoever. Fine its over and done with and there will be another week of racing, which may prove to be a better one for Bill F. I would just like to congratulate all of the drivers on a good clean race aswell.

Josh B.

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