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Subject: Medical PALM pilot programs PDA, Medical CDs - [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3 = MEDLINE 1986-1998] CDs,

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Date Posted: 18:46:09 07/29/06 Sat

Medical PALM pilot programs (AKA PDA programs), Medical CDs - [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3 = MEDLINE 1986-1998] CDs,

GARAGE SALES, buy, risk-free purchase, working, tested, fully functional, very cheap discounted price, low cost, quality OEM software,

Medical PALM pilot programs (AKA PDA programs) in full working versions.

1. Epocrates software - Epocrates Essentials

2. e General Medical - PDA Software

3. skyscape: mobile solutions for medical professionals

4. Stedman's


1. Epocrates software - Epocrates Essentials

1.1 Epocrates Rx Pro premium drug and formulary reference

1.2 Epocrates SxDx premium disease reference and integrated symptom assessment tool

1.3 Epocrates Lab premium diagnostic and laboratory test reference

Epocrates Addons

1.4 Epocrates MedTools

1.5 Epocrates MobileCME


2. e General Medical - PDA Software


2.1 5 Minute Clinical Consults

2.1.1 Rosen and Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult, Second Edition

2.1.2 The 5 Minute Clinical Consult for Dental Professionals

2.1.3 The 5 Minute Herb & Dietary Supplement Consult

2.1.4 The 5 Minute Infectious Diseases Consult

2.1.5 The 5 Minute Sports Medicine Consult

2.1.6 The 5 Minute Toxicology Consult

2.1.7 The 5-Minute Neurology Consult

2.1.8 The 5-Minute Orthopaedic Consult

2.1.9 The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, Third Edition

2.1.10 The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Equine

2.1.11 The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, Third Edition

2.1.12 The American Heart Association Clinical Cardiac Consult


2.2 Alternative Medicine

2.2.1 Drug Interaction Facts: Herbal Supplements & Food

2.2.2 Guide to Popular Natural Products, 3rd Edition

2.2.3 Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2004

2.2.4 Nursing 2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook


2.3 Board Reviews

2.3.1 Cardiology Intensive Board Review

2.3.2 Fast Facts: Orthopaedic Review

2.3.3 Review of Clinical Anesthesia, Third Edition


2.4 Calculators

2.4.1 AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook & Calculator


2.5 Cancer

2.5.1 Handbook of Breast Cancer Risk-Assessment

2.5.2 Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy, 6th Ed.


2.6 Coding

2.6.1 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification


2.7 Consumer/Patient

2.7.1 AHFS Patient Drug Information

2.7.2 Risk: A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Really Dangerous in the World

2.7.3 The Yale University School of Medicine Patient's Guide to Medical Tests


2.8 Diet & Nutrition

2.8.1 Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care, Fifth Edition

2.8.2 The 5 Minute Herb & Dietary Supplement Consult


2.9 Drug Guides

2.9.1 Clinical Anesthesia (PDA Software)

2.9.2 Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference 2004

2.9.3 Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses

2.9.4 Drug Guide for Physicians

2.9.5 Drug Interaction Facts

2.9.6 DRUGology Handbook

2.9.7 Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women

2.9.8 Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, Sixth Edition

2.9.9 Endocrine Drugs, Lab Values, and Diagnostic Tests

2.9.10 Evidence-Based Diagnosis

2.9.11 Handbook of Evidence-Based Critical Care

2.9.12 Ident-A-Drug Reference 2004

2.9.13 Medicine Recall, 2nd Ed.

2.9.14 Mosby's Medical Drug Reference 2004

2.9.15 Physician's Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2004

2.9.16 Physician's Drug Handbook, 10th Ed

2.9.17 Physicians' Information and Education Resource Database PDA Medical Software

2.9.18 Psychiatric Drug Therapy

2.9.19 Sota Omoigui's Anesthesia Drugs Handbook

2.9.20 Sota Omoigui's Pain Drug Handbook, 3rd Ed

2.9.21 Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia PDA Software (on CD-ROM) - 12 Month Subscription

2.9.22 The Medical Letter's Handbook of Adverse Drug Interactions

2.9.23 Yao and Artusio's Anesthesiology: Problem-Oriented Patient Management, Fifth Ed.


2.10 Endocrine Drugs, Lab Values, and Diagnostic Tests for PDA


2.11 General Medicine

2.11.1 ACCF Clinical Trials Database

2.11.2 Communicable Diseases and Infection Control for EMS

2.11.3 Critical Care Handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Third Edition

2.11.4 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision

2.11.5 ntials of Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology

2.11.6 Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, Seventh Edition

2.11.7 Handbook of Fractures (PDA Software Version)

2.11.8 Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures, Third Edition

2.11.9 Handbook of Signs and Symptoms

2.11.10 Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 15th Ed.

2.11.11 Hospital Medicine Essentials

2.11.12 Internal Medicine On Call, Third Edition

2.11.13 Manual of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, Fifth Edition

2.11.14 Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Fourth Edition

2.11.15 Outlines in Clinical Medicine

2.11.16 Outlines in Clinical Medicine - Family Practice Edition

2.11.17 Outlines in Clinical Medicine - Internal Medicine Edition

2.11.18 Pocket Emergency Medicine

2.11.19 Pocket Medicine - The MGH Handbook of Internal Medicine

2.11.20 Pocket OB/GYN

2.11.21 Pocket Primary Care

2.11.22 Pocket Reference for EMTs and Paramedics, Second Edition

2.11.23 Pocket Reference for the EMT-B and First Responder, Second Edition

2.11.24 Pocket Surgery

2.11.25 Primary Care Medicine Recommendations

2.11.26 Psychiatry Recall, Second Edition

2.11.27 Reeder and Felson's Gamuts in Radiology

2.11.28 Residents' Manual of Medicine

2.11.29 Saunder's Pocket Essentials of Clinical Medicine, Third Edition

2.11.30 Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

2.11.31 Surgical Recall, Third Edition

2.11.32 Terrorism Response: Field Guide for Fire & EMS Organizations

2.11.33 The Biochemical Origin of Pain

2.11.34 The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2nd Edition

2.11.35 The M.D. Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook, Third Edition

2.11.36 The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Neurology

2.11.37 The Sages Manual: Fundamentals of Laparoscopy and Gi Endoscopy

2.11.38 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Emergency Care


2.12 Geriatrics Subspecialty Consult for PDA


2.13 Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy, 6e for PDA


2.14 Handbook of Drug Allergy PDA


2.15 Handheld Dictionaries

2.15.1 Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary

2.15.2 English & Spanish Medical Words & Phrases, Third Edition

2.15.3 Stedmans Medical Dictonary 28th edition PDA

2.15.4 The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary


2.16 Laboratory Testing/Interpretation


2.17 Manual of Psychiatric Therapeutics, 3e for PDA


2.18 Nagataki Symposium on Chernobyl: Update and Future


2.19 Nurse's Quick Check: Diseases, for PDA


2.20 Nurse's Section


2.21 Obstetrics and Gynecology Survival Guide for PDA


2.22 Otolaryngology Survival Guide for PDA


2.23 Outpatient Medicine Survival Guide for PDA


2.24 PDA Software .911 - FREE Emergency Responder Resource powered by Skyscape


2.25 Pda Version Handbook Of Diagnostic Tests 3E


2.26 Pediatrics


2.27 Pediatrics Survival Guide for PDA


2.28 Pocket Emergency Medicine for PDA


2.29 Pocket Primary Care for PDA


2.30 Progress in Hepatology 4 - Liver Cirrhosis Update


2.31 Psychiatry Survival Guide for PDA


2.32 Red Book Update (1563635100)


2.33 Survival Guides


2.34 Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia PDA Software (on CD-ROM) - 12 Month Subscription


2.35 The 5-Minute Clinical Consult for Dental Professionals for PDA


2.36 The 5-Minute Herb & Dietary Supplement Consult for PDA


2.37 The 5-Minute Toxicology Consult for PDA


2.38 The AHA Clinical Cardiac Consult for PDA


2.39 The Cardiology Intensive Board Review Question Book for PDA


2.40 The Diagnostic Approach to Symptoms and Signs in Pediatrics, 2e for PDA


2.41 The Harriet Lane Handbook, 17th Edition - Textbook with Downloadable PDA Software


2.42 The Washington Manual of Ambulatory Therapeutics for PDA


2.43 The Vaccine Handbook A Practical Guide for Clinicians, PDA


2.44 The Washington Manual Infectious Diseases Subspecialty Consult for PDA


2.45 The Washington Manual of Ambulatory Therapeutics for PDA


2.46 The Washington Manual of Oncology for PDA


2.47 The Washington Manual of Surgery, 3e for PDA


2.48 Third Edition Review of Clinical Anesthesia PDA


2.49 Washington Manuals


3. skyscape: mobile solutions for medical professionals


3.1 Griffith's 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2006 (5MCC 2006)


3.2 Harrison's Manual of Medicine, NEW 16th Ed. Special PDA/Desktop Bundle - only


3.3 Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses Special PDA/Desktop Bundle - only


3.4 Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 20th Ed. Special PDA/Desktop Bundle - only


3.5 Medicine Recall, 2nd Ed.


3.6 The Washington Manual® Internship Survival Guide


3.7 AHFS Drug Information


3.8 iFacts™: Drug Interaction Facts


3.9 Pocket Reference for EMTs and Paramedics, 2/E


3.10 Pocket Reference for the EMT-B and First Responder, 2/E


3.11 Parasitology: Diagnosis And Treatment Of Common Parasitisms In Dogs And Cats


3.12 Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, 3rd Ed.


3.13 Surgical Recall, 4th Ed.


4. Stedman's

4.1 Hewlett-Packard STEDMAN'S Healthcare Pack SOFTWARE

4.2 LifeART Grant's Atlas Images, and LifeART Starter Kit, version 2.0

In four outstanding, visually rich collections, you will receive over 1,800 digital images, including full-color anatomical illustrations, photographs, radiographs, sonograms, MRI and CT scans--all taken from the latest editions of the classic anatomy textbooks Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, 10th Edition and Grant's Dissector, 12th Edition. Help visualize your message with LifeART--all images are designed to import smoothly and seamlessly into most software applications you're likely to use, including your favorite word processing, desktop publishing, presentation software, or graphics program.

4.3 MED-SPELL™ Plus Databank

4.4 Quick Look Electronic Drug Reference 2005

4.5 Quick Look Electronic Drug Reference 2006

4.6 Quick Look Electronic Drug Reference Multi-User

4.7 Spanish-English English-Spanish Medical Dictionary 3rd Edition BUNDLE

4.8 Stedman's Abbreviations, Acronyms & Symbols, 3rd ed

4.9 Stedman's Alternative & Complementary Medicine Words, 2nd ed.

4.10 Stedman's Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Words, 4th Edition

4.11 Stedman's Dermatology & Immunology Words, 3rd Edition

4.12 Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary INTRANET v6.1

4.13 Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary, v6.0

4.14 Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary, v6.0 Multi-User

4.15 Stedman's Emergency Medicine Words

4.16 Stedman's Endocrinology Words, 2nd Edition

4.17 Stedman's GI & GU Words, 4th Edition

4.18 Stedman's Legal Med Ware

4.19 Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment Words, 4th Edition

4.20 Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 27th ed.

4.21 Stedman's Medical Dictionary for Health Professions & Nursing, 5E (Australia/New Zealand)

4.22 Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 5th Edition

4.23 Stedman's Medical Eponyms, 2nd Edition

4.24 Stedman's Medical Terminology Flash Cards

4.25 Stedman's OB-GYN and Pediatric Words, 4th Edition

4.26 Stedman's Ophthalmology Words, 3rd Edition

4.27 Stedman's Organisms & Infectious Disease Words

4.28 Stedman's Orthopaedic & Rehab Words, Fifth Edition

4.29 Stedman's Pathology & Lab Medicine Words 4th Edition

4.30 Stedman's Plastic Surgery, ENT, & Dentistry Words, 4th Edition

4.31 Stedman's Plus Legal/Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker

4.32 Stedman's Plus Spellchecker 2006 Standard Edition

4.33 Stedman's Plus Spellchecker 2006 Standard Edition Multi-User

4.34 Stedman's Plus Spellchecker Premium Edition

4.35 Stedman's Radiology & Oncology Words, 4th Edition

4.36 Stedman's Smartype Multi-User

4.37 Stedman's Surgery Words, 3rd Edition

4.38 The AAMT Book of Style Electronic, Second Edition

4.39 The CMT Review Guide


2005/09/25 Vilppu.Studio.Drapery.DVDrip 1CD

2005/09/14 Vilppu.Studio.Drawing.Manual.Chapter.10.Indirect.Lighting.DVDRIP 1CD

2005/09/03 Vilppu Studio Pelvis Anatomy DVDrip 1CD

2005/08/20 Vilppu Studio Lower Leg Anatomy DVDrip 1CD
2005/08/20 Vilppu Studio Proportion DVDrip 1CD
2005/08/20 Vilppu Studio Feet Anatomy DVDrip 1CD

2005/08/14 Vilppu Studio Lower Arm Anatomy DVDrip 1CD
2005/08/14 Vilppu Studio Upper Leg Anatomy DVDrip 1CD
2005/08/14 Vilppu Studio Hand Anatomy DVDrip 1CD

2005/08/07 Vilppu Studio Upper Torso Anatomy DVDrip 1CD
2005/08/07 Vilppu Studio Upper Arm Anatomy DVDrip 1CD

2005/08/03 Vilppu.Studio.Head Anatomy and Construction.Vol.1-3.DVDrip 3CD


[Part 2 ( CDs 10,001 - 20,000)]

Anatomy of Nerves and Muscles -medical- CD NR 16 105

UpToDate v11.3 [2 CDs] medical 15 650

PET&PET CT Oncology Image Interpretation for Reading Physicians 15 306 - medical-

Je Consulte Evaluation du Risque Suicidaire FRENCH [medical] 14 111

Junqueira and Carneiro Basic Histology 10th Edition -medical- 14 024

Physicians Desk Reference Electronic Library 2003 -medical- 14 022


Holland Frei Cancer Medicine e 6 13 679 -medical-

Mosby Procedural Skills For Internal Medicine [2 CDs] 13 409 -medical-

Data Becker Naturheilkunde MEDiCAL 13 220

ACR Learning File Chest 32 bit -LL- CD NR 13 214

Wheater's Interactive Histology -medical- 13 171

Top Score Pro DAT 2003 MEDiCAL 12 945
Tortora Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 9th Ed. MEDiCAL 12 946

Grabb & Smith's Plastic Surgery 5th Edition MEDiCAL UTiL 12 909

Blood Principles and Practice of Hematology 2nd Edition 12 534 -medical-
Pschyrembel 258.Auflage + Hunnius Pharmazeutisches Worterbuch 12 535 -medical-

The Ultimate 3D Skeleton -medical - 12 443

Rubin Clinical Oncology 8th Edition -medical - 12 437

Mosby's Integrated Pharmacology -medical - 12 434

Dambro: Griffith's 5 Minute Clinical Consult 2001-2002 12 428
Human Anatomy -medical - 12 429
Infomed Understanding EKGs v1.0 -medical - 12 430
Master Techniques In Orthopaedic Surgery: The Shoulder 12 431
Med-Challenger for Emergency Physicians 12 432

Blackwell Cerebral and Spinal Computerized Tomography medical 12 417

Churchill Livingstone Interactive Regional Anesthesia medical 12 415

Voxell Man 3D Navigator Brain & Skull [2 CDs] -medical- 12 364
3CD Textbook Travel Medicine & Health 2nd Edition -medical- 12 365
Interactive Physiology 7 System Suite 2 -medical- 12 366
Mc Ginty Operative Arthoscopy 2nd Edition -medical- 12 367
Pall Fundamental Immunology 4th Edition -medical- 12 368
Churchill Livingstone Heart Sounds Made Easy -medical- 12 369
Bracco Emerging Application for Contrast Enchanced MR1-medical- 12 370
American Cancer Society Clinical Ongology -medical- 12 371
Primal Pictures Interactive Spine -medical- 12 372
Up To Date 11,1 [2 CDs] -medical- 12 374
Wheelers Dental Anatomy Physiology & Occlusion -medical- 12 375
Netter Intern. Atlas of Clinical Anatomy v2.0 -medical- 12 376

Stedmans Concise Medical Dictionary v4 0 -medical- 12 357

Physicians Desk Reference Electronic Library 2002 -medical- 12 270

Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis 4th Ed -medical- 12 131

Minor Surgery & Skin Lesson -medical- 12 097
Medical Microbes in Motion 3 -medical- 12 098
Mosby's Atlas of Allergies -medical- 12 099
Lee Computed Body Tomography With MRI 30 d Edition
SN:RUSR23351 12 100
Mamography Diagnosis & Intervention -medical- 12 101
Chest X-Ray Interprestation -medical- 12 102
Essential of Radiology -medical- 12 103
Functional NeuroAnatomy -medical- 12 104
The Human Genome Project -medical- 12 105
Images Of Disease 2 -medical- 12 106
Acr Learning File Nuclear Medicine -medical- 12 107
The Cerefy Atlas of Brain Anatomy -medical- 12 108
Gallaghan The Adult MIP SN:RUSR23351 -medical- 12 109
Mosby's Corson & Williamson Surgery -medical- 12 110
Adam Practice Practical -medical- 12 111
Virtual Surgeon Open Heart -medical- 12 112
Stole MRI Orthopaedics & Medicine 2nd Edition -medical- 12 113
Rockwood & Greens Fractures In Adults 4th Edition
SN:RUSR23351 -medical- 12 114
Nutrition Interactive -medical- 12 115
Nuclear Medicine -medical- 12 116
NeuroFunctional Systems 3D SN:8621-9833-6917 -medical- 12 117
ACR Learning File Gastrointestinal -medical- 12 118
ACR Learning File Genitourinary -medical- 12 119
ACR Learning File Neuroradiology -medical- 12 120
AND TECHNIQUES-medical- 12 121
McMinn's 3-D Anatomy 2003 -medical- 12 122
UNSW Embriology -medical- 12 123

Abdominal And Pelvic - medical - 12 021
Yamada textbook - medical - 12 022
Mc Minn s Clinical Anatomy - medical - 12 023
Goodman & Gilman's PBT 9th Edition - medical - 12 024

Gastroenterology Adnoscopy 2nd Edition - medical - 12 014
Novacon Netter Conerestive [2 CDs] - medical - 12 016
Novacon Netter Coronary Mealt Dicease - medical - 12 017
RockWood and Matsen the Smoulder - medical - 12 018

Welch Allyn Interactive Guide to the Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat 11 896 - medical-

Goodman and Gilman's :The Pharmacological
Basis of Therapeutics 9th Edition SN:RG 72309 11 874 -medical-


[Part 1 ( CDs 430 - 10,000)]

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (c) McGraw-Hill 6911 -medical-

Doctor Schveler's Medical Advisor v2.0 [2 CDs] 5867

Physicians' Desk Reference Electronic Library 2001 -medical- 5097

Integrative Medicine Access 2 Pro 4747 -medical-

CLINICAL MEDICINE 4252 -medical-




G+G PHARMACOLOGY GG-888 medical 1595




PEDIATRICS medical 1091



HARISSON 98 SN:81383 medical -895

FRACTURES medical medical -658

ROCKWOOD 97 medical -599
MRI ( M.R.I.) medical -600



BODY WORKS V6.0 medical -441


[Part 3 = MEDLINE 1986-1998] CDs

MEDLINE CD 1986 medical 2841
MEDLINE CD 1987 medical 2842
MEDLINE CD 1988 medical 2843
MEDLINE CD 1989 medical 2844
MEDLINE CD 1990 medical 2845
MEDLINE CD 1991 medical 2846
MEDLINE CD 1992 medical 2847
MEDLINE CD 1993 medical 2848
MEDLINE CD 1994 medical 2849
MEDLINE CD 1995 medical 2850
MEDLINE CD 1996 medical 2851
MEDLINE CD 1997 medical 2852
MEDLINE CD 1998 medical 2853

Loads of other great software ( 20,000 plus programs CDs ), 2D/3D Model & Textures 3D CDs, 3D Software & NLE Software CDs, Audio Sounds Sample CDS, AKAI, Band, BASS, BRASS, DRUM, East West, Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra library ( EWQLSO ), FLUT, GIGA, Tascam GigaStudio, GROOVE, GUITAR, HIP-HIP, HORN, Ideas, JAZZ, KURZWEIL, M-Audio Pro Sessions, Percussion, Piano, RnB, ( R&B ), ( R and B ), ROLAND, Spectrasonics, STRINGS, TUB, Ueberschall, Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Pro Performance ( VSL ) ( GIGA, and EXS24 and CUBE ), VIOL, Steinberg Cubase, HALion, Nuendo, Wavelab, VST, VSTi, Yamaha Vocaloid, CBT NUGGETS, CISCO,
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