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Subject: () What Will My Heart Fell? ()

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Date Posted: 21:05:32 06/25/03 Wed
In reply to: Vaughan Pelt 's message, "~Wolf to wolf~" on 06:16:46 06/25/03 Wed

() Pads of the dame were placed one beside the other, one before the other, one past the other, as she trotted along. Her white fan was held behind her like a flag for all to see. Her amber eyes reflected passion and peace, authority and grace. The dove came to a sudden stop upon a new found scent on the air. A wolf she had not met had stepped the boundaries and dared to join them! How interesting, truly. The female’s pace had come to a halt as she tested the air yet again. Her keen noise tracked the scent with ease, she hasted forward. As she cleared a stand of trees she saw the two. At first, she’d mistaken the new wolf as Ferdie Von Pelt. The other smaller form was that of her dearest Demon. A grin was shoved into place upon her lips as she pulled up beside them. Head high and in it’s dominate position, she expected the other two to lower theirs in the unmarked honor all wolves knew. She hovered over the pup, placing a quick lick upon his forehead, sending the hair there to stand at odd angles. As she turned her gaze back upon ‘ferdie’ she about gave a yelp of shock. Oppps, her mistake. That wasn’t Ferdie. Puzzled gaze came to meet her features as she wordlessly managed to ask the new wolf who he was. ()

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~Then pick it up~Vaughan Pelt10:40:58 06/26/03 Thu

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