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Subject: [what happened to faster]

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Date Posted: 13:43:58 07/07/03 Mon
In reply to: Cotton 's message, "Smaller whiter" on 09:46:16 07/07/03 Mon

An earthen-no wait, what had she called herself again? oh yes dirt colored-A wolfess the shade of the dirt she sits upon watches the scene with her mustard-yellow eyes, now containing quite a bit of confusion. How could her silly mind have thought the Secular Dominion would remain the same upon her absense? No, it was quite different now. The aura of domination that had surrounded the terra when Khastin was whithin its borders was gone. All the wolves called out apologies to Enchancee and bowed their heads when she was in sight. Also, the tender atmosphere told there was something having to do with pups. More than just Asterisk. Had the King left on a very extensive trip and left Enchancee in charge? Where had the pups come from? How could so many things have happened while she was gone? So she sits, watching Band toss cookies, wondering why she wasn't making her own entrance instead of just sitting there and feeling quite content to let the world keep on going and leave her behind until she figured just everything out.

OoC:Hmmm... i'm back?

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Subject Author Date
[what happened to faster]Antigra13:45:43 07/07/03 Mon
    () Can We Get One Of Those 'Oops Bags' From The Cookie Store?()Enchancee20:49:25 07/08/03 Tue

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