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Subject: |Break My Spirit|Lose My Dream|

Spirited Dreams
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Date Posted: 20:52:44 07/21/03 Mon

ashen male sighed, aggitated spheres still searching for Enchancee. he had heard that she had left, and so he had waited for her return, but it seemed if she did come back it would be too late. besides, what help could she have offered? bodice rose to burnt paws, blazing chunks of ice sweeping over the lands. this had almost been his home, and despite his hate for the evils he now held, there was still that darkness in his soul. the darkness and hate that would never vanish. a sudden desire to live here swelled up inside him, but it quickly subsided as the horrible storm came about. dial snapped towards the the destruction, lids narrowing over ooids as the entire process was heard and watched. frame rocked back on haunches, audits perked to catch the words of the new heir. so at last the evils would become the power that once caused all to shake in their pelts. he chuckled, glancing at the lands that seemed to grow flowers now. the king would have a lot of weed whacking to do, but none the less, he did not doubt they would rise up like a giant tidal wave that threatened to vanquish the kingdoms. fear riddled his nerves, a shiver running up his spine, casuing his hackles to raise invoulintarily. this force was going to be mighty, an enemy to be reckoned with, but at the moment he was at the mercy of the pack. the pack of swindling wolves that seemed content to lounge aorund and help water the dasies and sunflowers. another chuckle rang forth, his fear diminishing inside him.

the all mighty evils, right. a thunder storm, oo ah. show me canage and then i might tuck my tail.

he snarled as he rose to steady paws, dial shaking from side to side as he watched the new 'king'.

look at the new heir submit to this pack of mushy darks. what has the kingdom fallen to? nothing like BM days, nothing like it at all. show me your power all mighty 'king'!

he sneered, quite satisfied at throwing insults even if only the wind listened. it was not his place to approach the 'lord' of the evils, not yet at least. still laughing at his own remarks he turned about and ambled home, his dial looking back every so often to watch the events and responses of the pack members. pitty he had to leave when the entertainment began, yet he had other chores to attend to besides awaiting the foolish cupid queen who vanished at evey chance she got.

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