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Subject: y o u g u y s a r e u n f o r g i v i n g

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Date Posted: 18:46:57 07/22/03 Tue
In reply to: Shadow Walker 's message, "Walking Amongst Shadows" on 11:49:56 07/22/03 Tue

(lol guys chill out...its me, Hannah...*Astra/Khastin lol* its just that Lauren never seemed to be around and I DONT want what I worked so hard for to slip to inactivity, so Machete is going to build this place back up until astra is old enough to take the throne...thats all..but I might be inactive for a day or two, the FREAKIEST THING happened today..well out of no where my parents bought me this pony, I mean PONY, not but 12.3 or 13 hands, TINY little shetland mix thing named One More *I think Im gonna rename her Bo Peep even though its bad luck lol* and they were like "she's green broke, she'll be a challenge, price was right" and to make a long story short I was running some kids home because my friend was riding my other horse and he stepped in a hornets nest, and they all cleared the ditch and she was too short and missed and we slid onto the street, she's got abrasions pretty bad and I've messed up my elbow and got a stitch or two, got road burn pretty bad..but so yeah. eventful day. lol)

"I claim what is mine."

He stated cooly, acidic eyes throwing a stippled glares to the less-than-skeptic souls before him...apparently his brother had not promoted enough honesty to leave the group less-than-wary after his death.

"Word came to my of my brother's loss by pa.ra noitaque. He would not come to me unless I speak the truth. I dont wish to be King--just consider me a new member whom will be quite avid in promoting activity."

His acidity was piercing as he looked to Band--he had been doing a fine job as King, and would consider him more one that himself..bloodlines were unimportant. But for one his brother spoke of so highly, his skepticality and comatose arrogance about the situation was rather bothersome in a situation which demanded trust void of persuasion.

"I dont want to work against you, Band. But with you."

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Re: y o u g u y s a r e u n f o r g i v i n gShadow Walker & Neca19:00:57 07/22/03 Tue

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