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Subject: :-:Abandon Howl:-:

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Date Posted: 11:36:46 07/28/03 Mon
In reply to: Turbulence 's message, "Yea. hey's." on 19:12:54 07/27/03 Sun

Rugged female appeared, standing at a distance as she watched the remains of her family hatefully accusing others. She herself, had awoken the night mother had disappeared, and trailed along behind her like she always tended to do. She was young, and hadn’t realized she was taking sides by following her mother.

Spit lodged in the throat of the fine female, as her rump dropped to the floor and her tail curled around her. She was a lot smarter then the others, but like Astra and Turbulence had agreed earlier, they all processed something different that the other lacked. She herself had the smooth dialect and her agile form permitted her to get where the large pups couldn’t. With a glare she listened to the others speech about her mother and fought to keep a straight face. How silly it all was. Her meek form remind there on the guide lines, knowing full well that soon the others would discover her lurking behind them. How would they threat her though? She wasn’t mother- though she looked similar indeed. Tail twitched as she waited, wondering, dreaming, hoping, praying. A final test to end all the worry.

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