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Subject: Thanks everyone! Lotza luv! ^_^

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Date Posted: 22:08:43 05/16/03 Fri

Well, we're home! It's one here in Ottawa and I just woke up from a long, long sleep. I just DROPPED when I walked in, guys... oh, alright - after a shrimp ring, of course. ^_^ (Ya, my dad's a sport... airport pick-up and shrimp ring. Good man.)

Thank you very much to Sands for everything!! *hugs* You guys were great hosts! It was an absolutely excellent trip. We're only sorry it ended so soon! :(

If you haven't heard, just like Sands, we didn't land in Hamilton. Fog. Err, but holy screeching eustation tubes, people - 30 extra minutes circling in decline is NOT my idea of happiness. It's time to invest in flying ear plugs. YA. Who saw the flight attendants swarmed around me freaking? I was startled to look up and see lips moving - they're like: "Stop that! Stop that! You'll blow your ears!" THANKS JP. Great advice, sir. [Which reminds me... Paul was his target on the way home. Not me. Though he admitted me disliking his native mask only reinforces his love for it - something he's truly grateful for. He THANKED me. *lol*]

(Oh! Sincere thanks now to Timmy Umpherson. He's a good sport. Everything save the picture he took of me sleeping was very thoughtful. Ya. I had warm cloths in my EARS. Anyway, if you wanna get through something unpleasant, Tim's your guy. Good guy, that Umpherson.)

Btw, just in case you missed at the concert, for the luv'a lightning there's some unkind pictures floating around! *lol* CAMMY.

Hm... 5 minutes left, Canuck fans - my prediction? Disney has finished Minnesota. They're OVER. If they sweep again - LORD, Anaheim scares the hell outta me. (Pray for Ottawa, guys! OY!)

Well, I've rambled long enough - thanks again everyone! ;)

Lotza luv for ya!
~ Tabs

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[> Subject: Re: Thanks everyone! Lotza luv! ^_^

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Date Posted: 16:55:26 05/17/03 Sat

hey everyone and TAB!!!!

We made it home safely as she mentioned(tab). oh and to all those who missed out on the picture i took to the concert dont worry too much im gonna get it on the mssg brd someday for all to see so no worries tab there wont be just me and a few others everyone will eventually see it!!!!!!

event though you threatened my life and all that i am still not going to let it go.

JP agreed it should go on here and no worries there is such a creation as tape so it will be as good as new in a little bit!!!

any who MANY MANY THANKS to bc it was wonderful!!!!!! i wish it didnt have to end:'(

newho i have now rambled on long enough and will hopefully be talken to you all again maybe i wont be talken to tab for a while but i hopefully will survive and talk to u all later!!!!! lol

thanks muchly bc

lotsa hugs to all


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[> [> Subject: LOL & Beautiful Weather

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Date Posted: 16:49:53 05/18/03 Sun


Cammy, luv - I don't care THAT much about the stupid picture. Admittedly, it's excellent blackmail - truly more hideous then even JP's monkey mask, but hey, whatever. Post it. *lol* (Btw, I don't remember ever threatening anyone's life!) OH - and I truly am sorry about all those crab parts. That was just insanity. :s


Hey guys! Excellent weather here! Wow! Perfect for yardwork, catch and sprinkler fun. I was a little sad I didn't get to wear my new swim suit in BC, but hey - who'da thought I'd be wearing it the first weekend back here? Beautiful, beautiful day in Ontario, ppl! Yay! ^_^

Anywayz, lotza luv for y'all! Take care, God bless! ;)
Luv, Tabs

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[> Subject: Re: Thanks everyone! Lotza luv! ^_^

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Date Posted: 21:02:26 05/18/03 Sun

Thanx Tab. I miss everybody too. I just woke up and its about mid-night. I couldn't wait till we landed. Yeesh! The flight just wanted to make you...well...i don't know what. Well I guess I should go BACk to bed. C yaa!!

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