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Date Posted: 19:35:27 08/23/03 Sat
Author: Charlie
Subject: New Song Lyrics

Un Determined (UD)

I saw you last night stumbling about all around the street
acting like your sick disease was some big special feat
you bought all the bullshit and you bought all the lies
now just another two bit drunk hides behind your eyes

Nourished by poison
fueled by pain
running on the alcohol
eating up your brain
are you gonna drink some more
are you gonna shout
are you drink it up
or work your problems out

you say that I'm a pussy because I don't condone your death
or let loose to all the booze oozing from your breath
but where you find your self after your next binge?
still stuck in the bottle or moved up to syringe?

Nourished by poison
fueled by pain
running on the alcohol
eating up your brain
are you gonna drink some more
are you gonna shout
are you drink it up
or work your problems out

call me a hypocrite but I cant muster any toleration
to sit back and approve of your sick self-desecration
you don't respect yourself enough to not become a slave
as you're drinking your way into a far too early grave

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