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Date Posted: 20:23:55 09/05/03 Fri
Author: Charlie
Subject: Tattoos

I went down and got a tattoo I've been thinking about getting for a couple of years. I got an old Celtic symbol called a triquetra on my left arm, and it stands for two trinitys...life death and rebirth, and God, Goddess and the All. For those of you who watch that wretched program, you probably know it as the "charmed" symbol...eeghhh... In any case, I got it at a new shop called VALHALLA TATTOO that just opened. If any of you are thinking about marking your bodies up with what my grandma's pastor calls "the devil's paintings" I suggest you go to this place. I've seen alot of shitty work come out of Altered Skin and Painless Steel, but everything I've seen from Valhalla has been really damned good (including my own). I shopped around, and Altered Skin was going to do my tatt for 80-120 dollars. Brad Sawyer, the owner and sole employee of valhalla did it for 40...I suggest helping this place out because it really is top notch work and Brad is good people and listens to alot of good music (of which you can also listen to while you sit trying to recall how to do trancendental meditation). It's on 93 going south into Lolo from Missoula, on the left side of the road just before that unneccessary traffic light by the fitness center. the number is 251-4940 and i really can't say enough about the quality and low price of this shop...I know I sound like a pitchman, but it really is a damned good service.


PS-the trancendental meditation thing is a joke. anybody who thinks tattoos hurt is really in for quite a surprise.

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