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Date Posted: 17:05:40 09/16/03 Tue
Author: Charlie
Subject: Hate

I was thinking about all that dumb post-hippie "hate is bad" philosophy we were indoctrinated into as kids today. Don't get me wrong, I think hatred against groups of people is extremely fucked, but hatred of individuals torwards other individuals for individual faults is totally normal and dare I say.....healthy? Anybody who says that they don't hate anyone is a fucking liar and should be treated as such. It's a natural emotion and reaction just like love, fear and happiness. May I illustrate: if I make an agreement with you that you and I will be on good terms and have someone of a mutually beneficial relationship either financially, personally, romantically or whatever have you, i should hold you to it (even though trusting people is never really a good policy). Now, if after you make this agreement you go and tear apart my house and firebomb my car, I will hate you. I will not regret hating you, and I will feel 100% justified in hating you. Because I am. I'm not going to bullshit anyone....I hate. Alot of people, actually. I would post a list, but I'd rather not get writers cramp. So next time you say you hate somebody in public and some wannabe hippie asshole lays the "no, no hate, extreme dislike" trip on you tell them to shove their "extreme dislike" garbage up their pisshole. You hate, and goddammit, be proud of it.


PS- Once again, hate individuals, not groups. Generalizing hatred defeats the point. There are just as many hate-able people in all groups, white, black, straight, gay, and so on.

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