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Date Posted: 09:08:10 10/08/03 Wed
Author: Charlie
Subject: Holy Shit...the "Governator" abides...

I sat up all night, having a one man California re-election party. I kept glued to CNN until one in the morning. I'm very intrigued by what happened in California, I honestly do believe there may in fact be a right-wing republican plot to turn the US into a single party state, and that California is a major stepping stone to this goal. In any case I did my usual evening routine (shower, brush teeth, creative herbalism) and turned on the TV, and the numbers were already in. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of California. And 30 minutes later, after thinking about this on and off, that fact set in. Holy fucking jesus. The Terminator is the Governor of the largest state in the union. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY? An Austrian fascist sympathizer is the governor of the cornicopia of America? A man whose life achievement was acting like a programmed robot? Seriously. What. The. Fuck. I'm sorry, it's just too damned weird to deal with. Any comments?


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