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Date Posted: 19:52:52 11/04/03 Tue
Author: yours truly
Subject: time cycles

I was thinking about the past year (my own perception of the new year is the middle of fall, makes more sense to me as it's more harmonic with nature's time, not man's) and it struck me that nothing really changes. I read an essay by George Woodcock (Anarchist/Pacifist writer) called "Tyranny of the Clock" where he mentions that ancient and so called "primitive" people see time not as a single progression but numerous cycles. I see some value in that. In the past year FMZ went from highly productive to podunk (as soon as I have a little more time to get shit together I hope this situation will change), I experienced an initially golden relationship that turned out to be too good to be true (as usual, just another human who was looking for a pleasant distraction to be disposed of later and betrayed and shat upon repeatedly), a marked increase and subsequent decrease of substance use and/or abuse (choosing either would be a moral distinction not scientific. It just occurred to me that while drugs and drink may be fun, the fun is limited and after a while, nonexistent and destructive). On top of all of this as of about a month ago it seems I'm going through another one of them "spiritual rebirth" thingamajiggers that new age gurus talk about quite alot, preventing their followers from actually oh....say...experiencing one? In any case through the initally sappy "Spiritual Rebirth" experience I've noticed that the "new" discoveries I'm coming to aren't really new. I notice that all these things that have come to pass have happened before. I'm realizing that the conclusions I've reached about life, death, nature (and all that good stuff that sells crystals at new age botiques) are the same conclusions I was happy with a little over two years ago...funny how these things come around. People are essentially untrustworthty, but I'm inclined to give some the benefit of the doubt, there is something greater than me, but I don't make claims to know everything about it (but am pretty damn sure it's whatever one thinks it is-god, goddess, deities, one big mass of energy, etc.), and most established institutions (organized religion, government, patriarchy and on the same token matriarchy) are complete and utter bullshit. I'm rambling about shit nobody cares about, but this is the closest thing I have to a journal, and I guess I'm a bit of a cosmic emo kid at heart. In any case, I'm just saying that people often forsake current situations for something better, and it turns out that the grass isn't greener on the other side. I think that the ancient and "primitive" cultures are/were indeed right in their assumption time is cyclical, not progressive. People usually find themselves back where they started. Any thoughts? Any body have any interesting tales of their own cycles that arouse speculation? Just trying to get some of that "deep" "philosophical" discussion going.


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