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Date Posted: 22:38:06 11/23/03 Sun
Author: Derek
Subject: Hope I die before I turn into a CBS mini-series

I saw the Jessica Lynch mini-series that was on awhile ago, I know this is extremely insensitive on my part, but during the whole capture sequence where Lynch's party took a wrong turn and all, all I could think was "WOLVERINES!" Right after 9/11 patriotism and nationalism were at an all time high. It was considerably blinding but never-the-less sincere, two years later, loving your country has digressed to sunday evening mini-series and Toby Keith selling trucks!(on a side note, since the beginning of recorded time, from the pharoahs of ancient Egypt to the Rennaissance to the recent War in Iraq, it has always been truck month at your local Dodge Dealer) Another humorous observation about Jessica Lynch, she went down shooting her gun victoriously until the evil Iraqis captured her, she was then beating, raped, abused and tortured. Everyone seems to say that, everyone, of course, except Jessica Lynch. But what does she know? Facts don't mean a whole lot when it comes to public opinion, they want to find a hero from this whole pointless ordeal. Jessica Lynch is the perfect little martyr, she comes from a small home-town community in the middle of idealistic America, she an strong, attractive woman with faith in the American dream, and the fact that she survived makes it even more perfect. After WWI many veterans sat around and thought, "What the fuck was that for?" I think in about a year or so, that kind of thinking will start again and we'll have a new generation of nihilistic Hemingways and Fitzgeralds wondering why so many of their fellow soldiers died, not believing in war or peace or love or hate and especially not believing in America. Talkin' 'bout my G- G- Ge- Generation. But then again that's a small price to pay for... um... what are we getting from Iraq? I would say oil but the gas prices haven't dropped like I would have expected following the occupation. Any further comments?

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