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A large, steep, and cold climb rings you here? A large cave at the peak of a cold mountain buried under ancient layers of snow. Perhaps that was the challenge, climbing to the cave.

'Tis too easy then.

An acidic voice echoes within the walls of your mind. Stepping inside, your eyes adjust to the dim lighting. The cave is huge, holding different thrones. Each throne was differently crafted to fit its holder and its element. A massive form sat upon each of the five thrones. The throne closest to your left was engulfed in flames. Next to it was a sapphire set throne, dripping with water and covered in seaweeds. To your far right, a throne of dirt sat with any vines and greens growing around it. Its neighbor was shrouded in fog and glittered with diamonds of many sizes. In the center, near the back of the Lair, a throne radiated with power. Cloaked in darkness, an occasional light would spark and die. Something stirred amongst the Throne of Death.

A large silver and black dragoness stepped down from the mysterious and intriguing throne. Great silver claws clicked on the stone floor as she approached the middle of the cave. She unfurled great black, bat-like wings, the silver bones that marked her immortal, glittered violently inside the delicate hide. She stopped and smiled wickedly, revealing ivory fangs. I, my friend, am SteelSings, Dragoness of Death and first in command. You seek a challenge of the Dragons. Announce it and be prepared for the challenge of your life. With her piece said, the dragoness sauntered back to the throne that was marked hers.

Dragons of the lair
Of Death
First in Command
Of Water
Of Fire
Of Air
Of Earth
Second in command

If there is a * next to the dragon's name, they are in danger of deletion.

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Archives: 12 ]

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