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Subject: Door work

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Date Posted: 08:52:54 01/30/01 Tue

By Cytochromec on Sunday, January 28, 2001 - 07:38 pm:
SWAT training in Alabama?
Sounds a bit suspect to me. Sure your not a survivalist?
Only jokeing Darryl. Whos running it?
I went to a seminar with Rick Faye a few years back and I know he trains a lot of special forces in USA mainly unarmed combat (bit of a misnomer as he teaches mainly knife work and if you havent got the knife and the other guy has....well how to get it off 'em quick!)
Why are you thinking of going into the Body Guard business or personal security? I thought you where doing purely building security at the moment?

What to get from USA?
well almost everything is cheaper than here
I am not sure of the individual state laws regarding Ephadrine but thats usualy something people pick up when they are in the states
I also usualy buy Melatonin as its good for re-establishing sleep paterns if they get messed up (doing shift work or jetlag for example)
Almost all the hippy herb stuff is cheaper so you can stock up on Saw Palmeto for if your going to do any androgen courses. I brought back a load of straps and stuff. Depends what you use in the gym? A decent thick powerlifiting belt will be a good £10 cheaper though so if you havent got one then it may be worth investing while you are there. The guys into powerlifting in my gym all buy American power suits as well. Depends if your into it that much though?

If your into your survivalist stuff I would highly recomend getting a Leatherman Wave Multitool. Loads cheaper in USA. In UK they are about £85 I got one for £40 so see the diference.....
Maglights are cheaper also. I got a 6 cell for £20. Always bothers me going through customs with that one.
Also since your in security I highly recomend getting a decent friction lock batton. I recomend the CASCO ones. Ive tried generics and they fucking bend!! Not nice when your trying to re-tract it and its just not moving...get a quality one it will last longer and you can rely on it in an emergency.
Oh yeah if your passing any gunsmiths pop in and get a bottle of "Gun Blue" You can get it here but its a pain to find anyone who stocks it and you will need it if you do get a batton to keep it looking like new.

You can get some bargains on outdoor clothing and boots as well.
Security type stuff? I like the High Tech Magnum boots. I know some people in the army who use them cos they are so light and still give decent suport. They should be cheaper in USA as well. I like them because even though they are canvas with a sympatec waterproof membrane the sole is foam AND it has a steel shank for suport. If your running hard after somone and hit a curb with your instep you can actualy break the bones. Its more common injury than you think (I did it and broke two meta-tarsles going downhill full belt fell-running so I rate stability very highly in any boots even lighweight ones)

OK since this bit is illegal (no I'm not sugesting you smuggle a Glock back!) I will say DONT DO IT.
OK disclaimer out of the way Pepperspays are still legal in USA so get one. Make sure its 15% or more concentration. An old freind of mine from the Isreal army used to bring back their standard issue ones and they are damn usefull.
Dont bother with those Tasser stun gun things. They are Crap.
Body Armour? Night Vision goggles? (they definitely will throw the book at you if you try bringing back 3rd gen stuff as its illegal) Hell Darryl how deep are you going into this SWAT stuff?

Back to normality and sports suplements
Milk thistle should be cheaper so get a good cheap brand (schiff?) I like Biotest's "Neurogain" type stuff as well, even though its imported into UK by GEN now it will still be cheaper to get in USA.
Whey? Well why bother as you can get it in UK cheap as well now in bulk.
Its the esoteric stuff you should be looking at bringing back. Glucosamaine sulphate MAY be cheaper but probably not by much as over here its pretty cheap anyway because its so popular with our relatively large elderly population. So it will mainly be the more esoteric sports specific stuff you will find the biggest price diference on.

In a nutshell some basics what I would buy over there are:
Milk Thistle
Saw Palmeto

pair of 501's?

: )

Good luck anyway.
Anyone else any sugestions of bargains to get in USA compared to UK? Any USA readers can give us some cheap price examples from shops there?

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