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Subject: Lots of good sex things for you

Mr. Buzz
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Date Posted: 12:54:34 10/19/14 Sun
Author Host/IP: 156-106-232.connect.netcom.no/


RC Models of Cars, Helicopters, Boats, Airplanes, Drones. All types of hobby items, included: Remote controle models of cars, helicopters, airplanes,boates. Chemistry kits, science kits, electronics sets, airsoft guns, building sets and a lot more





Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.

This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.

yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, muira puama, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.



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Protein and amino acid concentrates. Carbohydrate concentrates and other energy boosters. Drugs to stimulate work-out ability and allertness. Stimulants for muscle growth. Supply of lecithin,creatin and carnitine. Supply of vitamins and minerals. Supply of essential fatty acids.


How Does Erection of the Penis Take Place
By Knut Holt

Erection takes place when structures inside the penis and along the urethra between a man's legs are filled with blood and inflated. This occur upon signals from the brain and the spinal cord, and the signals are transmitted through nerves in the parasympatic nervous system, a part of the autonomous or involuntary nervous system.


The erection is triggered and controlled by the following events:

- Something stimulates sensorial bodies in the genital zone or other senses. Impulses are then sent from the senses through nerves and the spinal cord towards the brain, and reaches the upper areas of the brain. The brain then recognizes these impulses as something sexually arousing. Also thoughts originating in the brain itself may be recognized as something sexually arousing.

- The higher brain areas having recognized some arousing events then send impulses down to the limbic system at the lower area of the brain. It is the limbic system that actually produces the feeling of excitement.

- The limbic system sends signals down the spinal cord and out to the genital area through nerves called nervi erigentes - a part of the parasympatic nervous system

- The signals reaching the penis and the rest of the genital zone then trigger erection and engorgement of the area between the man's legs.

- Stimuli to the penile or genital sensorial bodies do not need to reach the brain to result in an erection. Areas in the spinal cord will also recognize the stimuli and get excited. Then the spinal cord also by its own sends erectile impulses back to the genital area.

- The sensorial bodies in the genital area will also be stimulated mechanically by the erection. Since stimulation of these bodies trigger erection, the erection process is self enforcing. A beginning erection thus trigger even more erection.


In the penis lie three bodies consisting of a network of very elastic blood vessels having circular smooth muscles in their walls, called erectile bodies. There are two paired bodies lying at the upper side of the urethra (corpora cavernosa), and one lying around the urethra (corpus spongiosum).

The muscles in the vessel walls are able to constrict the volume of the vessels, or relax allowing the vessels to widen. Vessels leading blood to or from the erectile bodies also have the ability to constrict or relax in order to restrict or facilitate blood flow. The erectile chambers are not only confined to the penis, but continue in the area between the legs all the way backwards to the anal area.


The erection response consists of the following events in the genital zone:

- When the signals from the brain and the spinal cord reach the nerve ends in the penis and the genital zone, the chemical compound nitric oxide (NO) is released.

- Nitric oxide then spreads through the genital area and especially the penis. Nitric oxide then triggers the following reactions.

- Blood vessels leading blood to the erectile bodies relax. Then more blood flows into the penis.

- Blood vessels leading from the erectile bodies constrict, making it difficult for blood to leave the bodies.

- The smooth muscles around the vessels in the erectile bodies relax, allowing these vessels to widen.

- The blood going into the erectile bodies will then fill up in the vessels of the bodies and inflate the bodies to a much larger volume.

- The inflated bodies will get straight and hard. The growing erectile bodies will inflate the whole penis and make the penis rise.

- Since the erectile bodies continues backwards between the man's legs, also this area swells and fixes the penis rigidly so that it does not sway from side to side when fully erected.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural measures against erection problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/340883


Fat Types and Their Importance for Good or Bad Health

By Knut Holt

The different fat types and their health effects:

High consumption of fat or of the combination fat and carbohydrates causes obesity, heart disease and other health problems.

However the different types of fat have very different effects on the health. Here is a survey of the different fat categories and their effects:

Mono-unsaturated fat - This type of fat prevents heart disease and circulatory disease in moderate amounts.

Omega-6-poly-unsaturated fat - This fat type prevents heart disease if you do not consume too much of it. However it causes inflammatory reactions. This type of reactions are benign when they are moderate and when they are provoked to fight disease. But a constant high inflammatory response is dangerous, and can cause rheumatism, heart trouble and cancer. A very high consumption of this type of fat is therefore dangerous.

Omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat - This type of fat prevents heart disease and reduces inflammatory reactions in moderate amounts. Therefore it also reduces the risk of cancer, intestinal inflammations and rheumatism.

Omega-9-poly-unsaturated fat - This type of fat also prevents heart disease and reduces inflammatory reactions in moderate amounts. Therefore it reduces the risk of cancer, intestinal inflammations and rheumatism.

Saturated fat - This type of fat is probably not dangerous in small amounts. In higher amounts, saturated fat gives high cholesterol levels, causes clogging of the blood vessels, cause coronary heart disease and increases the risk of infarction of the heart and other organs.

Cholesterol- Cholesterol is a fat-like compound found in the food, but also synthesized from saturated fat by the body. High intake of saturated fat or of cholesterol itself, therefore elevates the cholesterol level in the body. Cholesterol is a necessary compound, but in higher amounts it causes clogging of the blood vessels, causes coronary heart disease and increases the risk of infarction of the heart and other organs.

Trans-fat - This type of fat is chemically altered by processing to yield specific mechanical properties. Margarine often contains this type of fat. This type of fat is dangerous, and is a probably a causal component for heart disease and cancer. There is however one exception: Some amount of fat containing the trans acid conjugated linoleic acid seem to be benevolent for the skin health and may help reduce weight. Conjugated linoleic acid is found in milk and butter.

Common problems of the average diet:

The average American and European diet generally contains too much fat and carbohydrates combined. The fat consumed is generally a mixture of trans fat, saturated fat and omega-6-poly-unsaturated fat. This fat misconsume causes overweight and is probably a major contributing component for the incidence of heart disease, cancer, intestinal inflammatory diseases, rheumatism and other inflammatory conditions.

Recommended amount of fat in the diet:

A common advice is to let 25-30 % of the energy needed be covered by fat, and the rest by carbohydrates. However, experts do not agree at his point. Some recommend a low carbohydrate diet with more fat, and others recommend a high carbohydrate diet with a low fat amount.

In either case, the combined intake of fat and carbohydrates should not be much higher than your daily energy consumption if you have a normal or wanted weight. If you want to loose weight, this combined amount must be lower. If you want to gain weight, it should be higher.

The right mixture of fat types:

The right mixture of different fat types is as important as the amount of fat in the diet to keep good health. However, you must not take the percent ratios given here too literally, since there is much unagreement about the exact ratios that should be recommended. Furthermore, if you have an active lifestyle that demands much energy, this is best achieved by increasing the amount of carbohydrates and mono-unsaturated fat.

Mono-unsaturated fat - Ideally as much as 35% of the fat consumption should be from this type of fat. You can find this fat in olive oil, raps oil and walnut oil.

Omega-6-poly-unsaturated fat - 30 % of the fat consumption should be from this fat type. You find it in soya oil and corn oil.

Omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat and omega-9-poly-unsaturated fat - 20 % of the fat consumption should be this type. You find it in fish oil and in fat fish. If you suffer from inflammatory conditions like rheumatism and intestinal inflammation, you will probably benefit from increasing the amount of this fat type, and reduce the amount of other fat types.

Saturated fat - Not more than 15 % of the fat consumption should be saturated fat. Saturated fat is found in fat from mammals, coconut fat and in milk.

Cholesterol - The cholesterol level in the body depends upon the combined amount of consumed cholesterol itself and saturated fat. To keep the cholesterol level right, you should not consume too much saturated fat, and not very much of food containing cholesterol, like eggs and spawn.

Trans-fat - This type of fat should ideally not be a part of the diet at all. Margarine, cookies, snacks and often also bread contain this type of fat. It is therefore important to reduce the consume of margarine, cookies, snacks, and to check the composition of the bread you consume.

Conjugated linoleic acid - This is perhaps the only trans fat acid that is benevolent in some amount. It is found in natural milk fat, and you can buy dietary supplements of this substance. A small amount of this substance may help keep your skin healthy and may help you to reduce weight.


Knut Holt is a web-designer and internet marketer, with a focus on web-sites dealing with health and scientific information.



This article can freely be copied and reused as long as the the name of the author and the links follow.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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