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Subject: Al Gore turned into a Hideous Werewolf and Tried to Attack my Sister

Paul DeBargo
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Date Posted: 12:38:27 10/22/14 Wed

It was just awful. I've never seen anything like it before or since.

I was so lonely, sitting in front of the TV, eating a huge bucket of buttery popcorn, and my sister phones in tears, screaming that Al Gore tried without success to attack her.

Of course nobody is going to believe it, but I believe my sister. She was at the lake and standing in the moonlight next to Mr. Gore when suddenly she heard something that sounded like bones cracking, and then several growls, and before she knew it, he had transformed into a 7' tall beast and his teeth were an an inch and a half long!

My sister was horrified. She ran toward the ranger station screaming, and Al Gore jumped in the bushes and began howling with intermittent shouts of forlorn helplessness.

When my sister called, she was so upset, so I invited her over and we ate popcorn as she told me all about his transformation and the traumatic event.

"His wife doesn't even know!! She doesn't even know he's a werewolf!!" she screamed.
"How do you know that?" I asked her.
"He told me I'm the only one!!"

Somehow I think he's lying. There have been a lot of missing people in Washington and other GOP rallies over the past few years.

He thinks he's safe because no one believe werewolves exist!

My sister is taking this all the way to the Supreme Court for justice and she's filing several suits for the trauma she's endured.

It's no accident his last name is "gore"! This guy is an animal!

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