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Subject: Benefits of Fake Lender, was: Re: SSD Money Cleaning Scam [tinos.pagia@hcg.gr]

Tinos Pagia (send money and keep regrets)
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Date Posted: 14:27:07 06/10/18 Sun
In reply to: Jonathan 's message, "Ssd Chemical Solution for Cleaning Black Notes world wide." on 04:12:41 02/14/18 Wed

Extra Benefits of Using Fake Lenders

When you use a fake lender:
  1. your application is almost certainly approved
  2. your can pay application fee in advance
  3. no loan proceeds
  4. no repayment required
  5. fastest processing
  6. no worries with generic maildrop address
  7. you may get a tax deduction for the application fee
  8. multiple make-believe investors can each accept fees
  9. far less stodgy than traditional banks

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Apply for a fake loan today! It is so easy, and you can feel confident when you deal with lenders using genuine generic maildrop services like gmail and accountant. Or, if you prefer, you can deal with a lender who goes to the trouble of setting up a fake domain. Sure, it costs a little more, but for some people it is worth it. Go ahead, you have nothing to lose but your money [tinos.pagia@hcg.gr] and dignity.

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