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Subject: Re: ? Dr. Rick-

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Date Posted: 09:53:03 08/29/04 Sun
In reply to: drrick 's message, "Re: ? Dr. Rick-" on 07:57:27 08/29/04 Sun

Prior to the twin block i wore a palate expander for 6 months turning the key every 4 days - dr. was amazed at how much my palate opened - since im 38 - it hurt like hell- but the tmj headaches are gone - now if we can just get the mid-line straightened out - we'll be in business..

?? Do the elastics help with the mid-line / cross bite?

>My guess is you dont have damons cuz they would be te
>sae top and bottom.
>Sounds like you are wearing a crossbite elastic on the
>The twin block is to advance the mandible(lower jaw)
>it usually has a screw in the top part to widen the
>jaw as well since when you advance the mandible you
>put yourself in x-bite
>>I currently have ceramic on top - and metal on the
>>bottom - and i have 2 elastics - 1. top left canine
>>to bottom left canine - and 2. top left back molar
>>(inside) - to bottom left back molar (outside). We
>>had hoped the twin block would help more - but didnt
>>give me quite the correction we were aiming for. The
>>palate expander helped a bit - and how i have the
>>power chains on the tops and they look good closing
>>the gaps - however, my midline is still off...i dont
>>know if i have damon on the bottom - i just know that
>>they are metal. does this make sense to you?
>>>The damons advantage in txingx-bites are this.
>>>They are a lower force system so when the teeth begin
>>>to align the tendency with traditional braces is for
>>>the incisors to flare a bit. With damon since they
>>>lower force they do not overpower the musculature so
>>>the path of least resistance is posterio expansion.
>>>They work quite well in this regard. I have treated
>>>bilateral crossbites with them without any other
>>>expanders or appliances.
>>>They would have to be on the upper arch to do this.
>>>Do you just have lower mertal with upper clear or
>>>something like that?
>>>>>get another opinion if you like. See if you can
>>>>>doc who uses damon brackets they are great in
>>>>>crossbites non surgically.
>>>>Dr. Rick - I am being corrected for a cross bite -
>>>>first with the palate expander, then i spent 6
>>>>with the twinblock - now im in braces -but how do i
>>>>know if im in regular metal on the bottom or damon -
>>>>and what advantage does the Damon bracket have in
>>>>correcting a crossbite? please advise. Thanks!
>>>>>>I'm 43 and have been dithering about getting my
>>>>>>crossbite fixed since my dentist recommended it
>>>>>>10 years ago. I had an appointment with an
>>>>>>orthodontist and he thought I might need jaw
>>>>>>which put me off ! Is it worth getting a second
>>>>>>opinion on this - have things moved forward ?

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Re: ? Dr. Rick-drrick10:20:57 08/29/04 Sun

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