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Date Posted: 18:43:47 12/12/03 Fri
Author: Mark
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: Rehabilitation
In reply to: Louise 's message, "Re: Rehabilitation" on 22:26:57 12/10/03 Wed

Glad to have been of some help then! :)

Always good to hear your son is improving, and that he got a clearance as far as lungs and heart go! I'll be sure to pass your thanks unto my relatives, and i'll ask them for what they find is the best/favorite rehabilitation exercise for those kind of injuries and post them here or mail them to you. Could take a little while tho, depending on my internet-activity and such. In the meantime, take care! :)

Mark VdB

P.S. good luck at the neurologist's!

>>Hi Louise
>>I'm not sure if i can help much, but i have two (very)
>>close relatives who both are physiotherapists, of
>>which i know at least one of them has helped ppl
>>rehabilitate in the past, so i reckoned i might be
>>able to help somehow.
>>Problem is, neither of them has much knowledge of
>>English, so i would have to act as a translator. I
>>just spoke to one of them about this; and she seemed
>>to know what i was talking about (i wasn't, all very
>>technical to me ;) ). They told me that -5 degrees
>>is the desirable limit of hyperextension, any lower
>>would not be good. I think DZ means that he can't
>>fully stretch his leg yet (0 degrees) but that it's
>>not bothering him on the bike since you normally don't
>>have to stretch your legs on it in order to ride.
>>If i interpreted the question totally wrong then could
>>you rephrase it a bit? I'm not a native speaker of
>>English, so i might be a tad confused at what it is
>>exactly that you're asking. :)
>>Anyways; hope your son is doing well,
>>Mark VdB
>Thanks for the well wishes -- It was Ben posting on DP
>MB #1 today about MTBs.
>Recovery continues to be slow until the left wrist and
>lower right leg casts come off. He goes to physical
>therapy 3 times a week.
>Unfortunately, all I know about what Dave Zabriskie
>said was included in my earlier post. We asked the
>same questions of Ben's therapist Jose this evening.
>Jose could not understand, either, why someone would
>want to hyperextend more than -5 degrees. I would say
>from your answer that you interpreted the question
>correctly -- at least the same way I interpreted the
>original article (and that was written in English!)
>Wish I could function in a second language. (All I
>can do is read a bit of French!)
>To date, the therapist has Ben working on flexibility
>of the knee and hip joints and of the shoulder and
>elbow joints for the affected limbs. He is also doing
>some weight training using the upper arm to work the
>machines and ankle weights on the casted leg. Ben is
>working towards the -5 degrees but has no intention of
>going further than the -5. He can get to zero degrees
>now and to 110 degrees, but the cast stops more flex
>than that.
>It is going to be hard on him to loosen the wrist and
>ankle when they are finally freed from casts.
>Many thanks to your relatives!!
>If I learn anything more, I will post it or email it.
>Do your relatives have any favorite exercises that
>they have clients do while recovering from such
>injuries? Please feel free to email if you would
>rather take the discussion off line for a while.
>PS -- He seems to have been cleared by the
>cardiologist as to the lung & heart problems from the
>force of the seat belt and air bag. We still have the
>visits with the neurologist to go.
>Again, many thanks!!

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