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Subject: Re: I am looking for descendants of Isaac Walker and Elizabeth Stewart Walker

R. Karol
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Date Posted: 00:18:51 09/14/07 Fri
In reply to: Gazzaro Walker 's message, "I am looking for descendants of Isaac Walker and Elizabeth Stewart Walker" on 15:02:50 02/06/02 Wed

>I am looking for family members of Isaac Walker and
>Elizabeth Stewart Walker of Prince Georges County,
>Maryland. Issac and Elizabeth were natives of Scotland
>and Isaac was revolutionary war soldier rank
>leiutenant. I am requesting that anyone could give me
>information of any family members in LosAngeles
>California area and would they please email me for
>contact. Thank You.
>Gazzaro Walker

Here is a link that I found trying to find my own Walker family information...... it is: http://home.earthlink.net/~willpaz/Walker/isaacwalkerchildren.htm Good luck!

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[> Subject: Re: I am looking for descendants of Isaac Walker and Elizabeth Stewart Walker

Ernest Winfield Walker (Mississippi born,"gone to Texas")
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Date Posted: 13:48:18 02/09/08 Sat

My great-grandfather Francis(Frank) Walker was born about1830; in 1850 census was living in household of William and Evalina Brown's home in Simpson Co.,Ms.; in 1852 married their daughter Catherine (Katie) and died July 1860. Their children were John Jefferson b. 21 Apr. 1853 in Westville, Simpson Co., Nancy (Nannie), William Howard, Lucy and Frank William. John Jefferson was a Baptist minister. Married 3 times, all 11 children were with lst wife Sarah Jane Brown. One, Jefferson Winfield, born 8 Dec.1880 married Ida Eugenia Brumfield on 24 Jan. 1903. They had Hilton, Mildred, John James, Arthur Brumfield and me ( Ernest Winfield Walker). Ida died 1958; Jeff in 1964. I have never been able to find the e the parents of Francis Walker. He has the right name and place to be related to Francis Walker who married Charity Bush; but HOW?

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[> [> Subject: Re: I am looking for descendants of Isaac Walker and Elizabeth Stewart Walker

Amy Walker
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Date Posted: 20:36:21 08/19/08 Tue

As a male Walker descendant, have you considered participating in the Walker DNA project? They are looking for descendants from the Francis Walker line to connect to the established lines. Right now there is an offer to pay for it. Let me know if you are interested.
Amy Walker

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: I am looking for descendants of Isaac Walker and Elizabeth Stewart Walker

Lana Walker
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Date Posted: 21:33:00 01/03/15 Sat

>As a male Walker descendant, have you considered
>participating in the Walker DNA project? They are
>looking for descendants from the Francis Walker line
>to connect to the established lines. Right now there
>is an offer to pay for it. Let me know if you are
>Amy Walker

Hello. My husband is Joseph Walker. We live in MS. I believe from some preliminary research online and at cemetaries here that his Walker lineage is as follows:
Joseph Walker (my husband)-> Dewey Walker->, Aubrey Walker->, William Zeno Walker->, William Henry Walker->, Willis W. Walker-> Henry Walker-> Francis Walker and possibly including Issac Walker somewhere in his ancestry.
You mentioned a DNA study. Is this still ongoing? We have no sons and my husband has no brothers or male Walker cousins from his father's only brother so I'd be interested to find out if this is something ongoing or has it been completed?
Any information you can offer to direct me in our pursuit of the Walker family line would be greatly appreciated.
We are rather new at this family research. Please correct my lineage above if you see that we are in error in researching his family line.
Thank you,
Lana Walker

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