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Date Posted: 06:49:08 06/06/07 Wed
Author: Ron Callahan
Subject: Looking to Verify "Queen" Info.

I am a descendant of Charles Queen (1750 - 1806) and wife Mary Haley (1736 - 1792. They are my 4th great grandparents. Their son, William C. Queen(1787 - 1851) is my 5th Great Grandfather. I am focusing on him as I have information that seems to be conflicting. He was born in Virginia and died in either: Gnatty Creek, Harrison County, Virginia; or Ohio.

My info reflects William C. was married 3 times:
1. Margaret Jefferies: Born 1788 - 1819)Married 1811.
2. Margaret Gregory: Born (??) Married 1820 or 1824.
3. Elizabeth Collins: Born 1793 - 1879)Married Aug 26, 1826.

I am unsure if, in fact he married three times and, if so to whom were his 8 children born? (James, Nancy, Mary, Lewis, Asa, Barbara, Susan and Martha).

Does anyone have CONFIRMED Information on this line? I would certainly appreciate anything you have to share.

Williams daughter Mary (Polly) Queen (1819 - 1864) married my 2nd Great Grandfather Daniel Callihan (1818 - 1902). His married his 2nd wife, Asa Queen's widow, in Feb. 1866. It is my understanding that Asa was killed in the Civil War.

Thank You,
Ron Callahan

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