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Subject: A clarification regarding the scoring of the essays.

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Date Posted: 21:36:46 01/12/01 Fri

Regarding the shrill cries from Knabe regarding the scoring of the "Great Essay Competition"....


I chose an obscure, bullshit subject of ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENCE WHATSOEVER. You are totally correct, there is no way to judge this ivory-tower crap on its own merits.

Fact of the matter is- and those in the know will confirm this- the whole idea was too see how much time and effort I could get Knabe to waste on this ridiculous thing.

So the scoring, as I see it, runs like this:

Jocko spent 3 minutes reformatting a 12-year old essay from college he found on a dusty 5 1/4 floppy.

Knabe spent HOURS coming up with a rant that didn't even answer the question, and consistently capitalized the word "me."

Once more.... Jocko, 3 minutes. Knabe, HOURS.

Tell me one more time who wound up ahead here? BWWAAAHHHHHH

Hey Knabe, want to go at it again? How about a discourse on Cartesian geometry?

The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
The REAL Jocko!
AKFC for boys who don't jump at every worm that's dangled in front of them.

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