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Date Posted: 17:59:30 03/06/03 Thu
Author: Brad & Mark Pimlott (Pimlott Brothers)
Author Host/IP: i096-126.nv.iinet.net.au /
Subject: Application

Wrestlers name: Brad Pimlott & mark Pimlott (Pimlott Brothers)

Height: 7'0" ft each

Weight: Brad: 315 lbs Mark: 300 lbs

Home Town: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Entrance Music: D-Generation X (old one)

Manager: Diamond Brett Healey

Finisher: Brad: "Bradles Drop" Mark: "Mark-enator" Double Team: "Death From Above"

Disctription: Brad: Flip leg drop (Booker T's Harlem Hangover) Mark: Pedigree Double Team: Opponent lyes in the middle of the ring, Merk does Moonsult then Brad does Swanton bomb strait after.

Alingment: Heel

Apperance: Both were cargo pants and no shirt in the ring, and nothing but a towel with boxers underneeth when out of the ring, and very wet hair.

Style: Both High flyer.

History: Grew up wrestling each other in the bath, thats why they wear towels in the locker rooms. Their father forced them to wrestle in the bath.

Entrence: The lights go out then the DX music plays then green lasers flash across the area and then The Pimlott Brother appear on stage with 2 chicks each hanging off each of their arms, then Diamond Brett Healey walks out and they all walk to the ring together. Then Brett Healey takes a at the commentators and commentates, as the Pimlot Brothers do the DX taunt in the midle of the ring.

Pic Basis: Brad: Jericho, Mark: HHH

PS: [DBH has given permission to be the mannager for the Pimlott Brothers.]

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