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As soon as you come forward, this ethereal realm overpowers you with its uncanny, hushed spell. The air becomes still, serenity becomes present, resembling the calm before the storm. A discreet evaluation of the sod reveals ancient stains, once green clovers, now dyed crimson. The burnt sienna soil lies trampled ahead, the effect of years of erosion. A solitary slate hare darts swiftly through the valley, her large, terrified pupils gazing around, as if worried the peace would not last. She soon would prove correct...
The abrupt serenade of the lights breaks though the silence like a ripple though a pond, their song is sweet; it brings to the mind images of the bright, cheery days we all savor. Their harmony causes those equine beings whose side is neutral to add their sweet ballad; their tone is like the normal day, the day when nothing awful or thrilling happens. Finally the torturous calls from the dark side of the moon come forth upon the once lulling atmosphere; the cacophonous melody is grating torture, fingernails against a blackboard.
Welcome to the land... where the trio of the noble kings clash... to the realm, where realism resides, yet fantasy’s mark is still there, the signature to a acclaimed oil painting... where each day is a challenge, to be able to see the next... where battle is imminent, and only the strongest live to tell tales, their tales of glory and retribution... where winners hold power, and the losers are cajoled by life to become strong... or they perish, a flower that never bloomed... where you have no choice, but to be ready for anything nature throws at you... Welcome to Beqanna... the sunrise...
Curse - Beqanna
Meaning - The Sunrise
Genre - Equine: Light, Neutral, Dark
Boards - 350+ and coming
Site -
All role playing levels are allowed and welcome, and we'll gladly help any struggling player, with Posting Frames, role playing terms, or playing.