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Subject: new campers

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Date Posted: 09:02:56 07/03/07 Tue
In reply to: Nick and Imelda 's message, "Year 2004 Summer Camp....WOW!!!" on 13:24:51 07/02/07 Mon

There were 6 new campers who all enjoyed fully our latest camp. Imelda mentioned Anneya Romualdo-Harrell of Tayug and Virginia Beach, and Vinya (nee Membrere) of Umingan, my kapisi ti puso. The other 4 new campers are the Sta. Maria family--Cesario, Melanie, Amber and Axel. Melanie is the older sister of our own Lorraine Evangelista; both are cousins of Vinya, and all three are nieces of our Mng Aie.

Sadly, Amber spent the first half of the camping in her cabin as she was beset by flu.

Talented Axel put all of us at awe, with a bit of fright, with his dance performance--a super break dance performance, somewhat daredevilish to us who are not used to seeing such a feat. I wasn't able to catch all of his swift moves on still camera, but hopefully Willie can post his video on YouTube.


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Subject Author Date
mementoWillie I15:50:02 07/03/07 Tue
    yes!!aneya harrell17:06:14 07/03/07 Tue

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