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Subject: Knock, Knock, Knock

Aie (Wink)
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Date Posted: 05:28:53 08/11/07 Sat

Dear mga kadugo,

Kunak no diay mabirokanen ti dalan nga mapan ditoy. Been a long time, indeed.

Gistayanak matugkik each time I visit and read, without leaving word. But I now have 19 (yes, 19!) volumes of printed Boardroom postings, the recent ones not as beautifully printed bound as Daisy’s first volumes but as faithful to the contents. When I am feeling the need to be reassured of the “burning spirit”, I left through them. They are now part of the growing Crossroads Library in Umingan.

Some working papers on the Dugong CYF Foundation have been going the rounds of the older generation of mga kadugo. Want to be part of the on-going brainstorming on the life and work of our fledgling Foundation? Please contact Nick or Boni, if you are in the USA. If you are in the Philippines, please let me know. Or ‘shout’ right here in the Boardroom.

I wish I could write to each of you personally through your e-mails but that would have to remain my wish, for now.

Let us keep our circle of love and prayer ever tighter even if we are physically apart one from another.



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typo errorsaie08:36:01 08/11/07 Sat

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