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Subject: Who will it be?

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Date Posted: 09:45:53 01/13/08 Sun
In reply to: bm 's message, "The former missionary for President." on 22:41:01 01/12/08 Sat

Who will it be? Of the top 3 Democratic hopefuls, Obama - Harvard educated lawyer, used to organize churches before he went to law school and joined the UCC. Clinton - Yale law graduate and lifelong Methodist member and Sunday school teacher. Edwards, practiced law and became one of the most prominent trial lawyer in the US, a Methodist and like Clinton also teaches Sunday school.

I pick John Edwards, although he may not be the Democratic nominee I believe he is the best man to lead the USA.

Of John McCain - fighter jet pilot and retired Navy officer, real American war hero and POW for 5 years in Vietnam, a member of the Baptist church. Mike Huckabee, Baptist ordained minister, he did not attend law school but was awarded a Doctor of Laws and Letters by a top university. Mitt Romney, former Mormom missionary and lay minister who attained the rank of a Bishop, also a Harvard trained lawyer.

I pick - John McCain..just give him a break!

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Obamaaneya07:27:24 01/19/08 Sat

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