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Subject: Taking the plunge

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Date Posted: 06:07:48 04/15/08 Tue

Kumusta mga Kadugo.

This is to break my loooonnnggg absence from the Boardroom. It’s about time too.

Boy T., salamat for maintaining our site. And to all of you who have kept it active with your posts time and again.

Some of you already know that we had been working on program studies for our DCYF Foundation. Done with one and updates I think rightly belong to the Boardroom. I went to the CL Annual Conference held at Buenlag UCCP, Binmaley on April 9-12, 2008 to discuss the study (a copy was sent earlier for dissemination to DCYF-USA through Chairman Boni G.) with the Conference standing Committee on Stewardship and Resource Development.

The CLC, in plenary session, adopted the Conference Church Workers’ Benefits Program unanimously with the Foundation as resource partner. In a nutshell, the program aims to enroll all Church Workers duly assigned by the Conference to the Local Churches as SSS members and ensure the payment of their monthly contributions. Program Year 1 will cover ten (10) Church Workers who are as yet non-SSS members. Over the long term it is envisioned that all 42 Local Churches of the Conference will be able to continue paying for the contributions of their respective assigned Church Workers. And the Foundation then can help set up other program areas. I will send details (names of initial group of Church Workers, Local Churches concerned, and implementation arrangements) to Boni for proper dissemination through your built-in network.

Please bear with me as I am still trying to recapture a more personal and stronger communication link with each one of you while striving to establish the more formal mechanism that a fledgling Foundation requires. Any suggestions?

Sad news for mga dugong CYF of the ‘70s and ‘80s. I learned from one of the delegates of San Antonio (Zambales) Local Church that our dear life-of-the-camp Jay (Lonzanida) passed away in February this year. Last time I was with him was in 1989 when he came to visit at my Guadalupe unit. How can I forget? I cooked and served the only food left in my refrigerator which was a month old embutido. It must have been okay or so I thought but I ended up in the hospital a week after he left for food poisoning (!). I got intermittent news about him, that he was back in Church as choir conductor in the late 90s….and now this.

So let us keep in touch…while we can…..

Shalom mga kadugo,


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