Goldfinger (sex elexires and fitness boost)
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Date Posted: 15:40:08 01/10/14 Fri
Advices and Products for good health, fitness and sex
A lot of good advices to cure common health problems and to give generally good fitness and health. You will also find advices for training, to keep yourself young, to get muscular strength and to get good condition. You can also read advices for excining sex activities, including rectal and genital masturbation.
Help Aganist Sluggish Thyroid - hypothyroidism and hormonal problems
Sluggish thyroid gives symptoms like: Fatigue, depression, constipation, over-weight, poor memory, brittle nails, dry and thin hair, dry skin and general uneasyness. Also help for diabetes. All symptoms need not occur.
Natural Help for Edema - Lymphedema
Help for water retension in various body parts resulting in swelling and puffyness and for diseases causing water retension, like circulatory problems, digestive problems and rheumatism.
Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products
Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products.
Natutal Help for Cold and Flu
Help for respiratory infections. Based on proven effective ingredients like: Vitamin C, Bromelain, Spirulina , Astragulus, Echinacea Purpurea, Golden Seal 3 Elderberry and others.
Help urinary and genital problems in men and women
Help for urogenital ailments like: urinary tract infection - UTI, yeast infection, premenstrual syndrome - PMS, prostata problems, menopause problems and other men's and women's problems.
Help for psychological and mental problems
Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.
Help for ailments in the joints, tendons, muscles ans scheleton - rheumatic conditions
Natural help for pain conditions, immobility and functional problems in joints and muscles. Help for joint pain, bursitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, joint injuries, muscle ache
Help to lose weight and get slim
Natural drugs to increase fat burning and to reduce a too eager appetite so that you more easily get slim. Also slimming advices.
Help against Heart and Circulation Problems
Help for heart problems and much more: Congested heart, high cholesterole, varicose veins, anemia, atherosclerosis
Help for all types of skin problems
Acne, eczema, rosacea,wrinkles, pspriais, stretchmarks, vitiligo, warts and more. Also comsetics from all the world's good producents for reduced prizes.
Help for Depression, Fatigue and Exhaustion
Depression can be a disease by itself or be a symptom of other problems and diseases, for example exhaustion after birth or by thyroid problems. Here you can get knowledge and advices to treat depression and find natural medicines to help for dpression from various causes.
Help for problems in the joints, muscles and scheleton
Natural products to help for all types of problems in the musculoscheletal system: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, carpal and tarsal tunnel syndrome, joint injuries.
Help for many other problems in all organ systems
Help for genitourinary problems and much more: Urinary tract infection, yeast infection, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome,
acne, vitiligo, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina,
arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), asthma, attention
deficit disorder (ADD), bad breath, burns, carpal tunnel syndrome,
cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic fatigue sydrom, cognitive
problems, colds
Please go here to find sex toys and products to enhance potency and pleasure for men and women
Tools and toys for pleasant erotic massage and to play with your genital organs and all other sensual body parts. Exciting things to put in through your seintimate openings to make good feelings. Also pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.
Please go here to learn about herbs with sexual effects - also herbal aphrodisiacs:
Many common spices and vegetables as well as meny more exotic herbs have strong boosting effects on the sexual lust and ability, or can help solve sexual problems, especially if used in combination.
This page contains a short lexicon of these herbs and some products based on combinations of such herbs are presented.
yohimbe, damiana, cuscuta, cordyceps, ginger, cayenne, cardamom, ginseng, roseroot, hawthorn, raspberry, chinnamon, fo-ti, garlic and many more.
Get Bigger Penis and Stronger Erections
Natural products to make your penis get erect more easily, to make the erections bigger, to give you stable erections and to make your penis stand longer. Also devices to make the penis bigger. Also products to intensify the sexual responses of women.
Pills and creams for women to enhance pleasure, intensify orgasms and to make stronger female functions. Perfumes to arouse and attract women and men. Pills, topicals and devices for penis and breast enhancement. Pills and creams to make bigger and better erections, increase pleasure and intensify orgasms. Remedies to prevent premature ejaculations.
RC Models of Cars, Helicopters, Boats, Airplanes
All types of hobby items, included: Remote controle models of cars, helicopters, airplanes,boates. Chemistry kits, science kits, electronics sets, airsoft guns, building sets and a lot more
Airsoft and Paintball Guns and Tanks
AEG electric, spring and gas driven airsoft and paintball guns and Tanks. Airsoft replicas of real famous guns, modern and historical.
Car and Vehicle Equipment and Spare Parts
Parts for motor, transmission, suspension, breaks, stearing, body, lights, exhaust, fluel lines, cabin, styling, performance, security and more. Also garage tools.
Most searched items
1. Hemorrhoid
2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
3. Sexually Transmitted Disease
4. Diaper Rash
5. Diarrhea
6. Urinary tract infection
7. Miscarriage
8. Heartburn
9. Celiac disease
10. PTSD
United States Most-Searched Health Issues 2012
1. Cancer
2. Diabetes
3. Depression
4. Acne
5. Herpes
6. Back pain
7. Burns
8. Breast cancer
9. Autism
10. Diarrhea
United States Most-Searched Symptoms 2012
1. Pregnancy symptoms
2. Diabetes symptoms
3. Flu symptoms
4. UTI symptoms
5. Mono symptoms
6. Strep Throat symptoms
7. HIV symptoms
8. Lupus symptoms
9. Heart Attack symptoms
About myself
Knut Holt is a marketing and business strategy consultant mainly interested in the business areas health, fitness and technology. He also writes articles and market goods on his own websites, mainly goods to: Help cure common diseases. Improve fitness, condition and strength. Imrpove sexual life. Hobby products like RC models, airsoft guns and science kits. He is also interested in investigation of strange events of several kind, like UFO events and strange natural fenomenons.
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