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Subject: Re: Tony Bruno got the 6-10 spot on 1540

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Date Posted: 19:22:04 03/25/05 Fri
In reply to: dkshaft 's message, "Tony Bruno got the 6-10 spot on 1540" on 13:50:01 03/25/05 Fri

That is actually good news they didn't get that spot!! I am willing to bet that they would have declined if they had been offered that spot (unless it was an offer they couldn't pass by because of a lot of $$) because of that time slot--we all know how they felt by the end of that week! LOL!!!
The main reason why its good news though is because those guys belong in Puffball Liberal Land (California) like a black guy belongs at a KKK rally!! First of all--I can't stand the Lakers plus those guys are more suited for a national audience rather than mostly local area. The moment they went away of Laker news, the local callers would just bitch and scream!! That's what happens when Puffball Liberals don't get their way!! Act like 2-year olds!!!
Although I loved hearing those guys during that week--I would rather wait a little longer until they get a spot more suited for them. That would have been their worst mistake accepting that offer from Hollywood-Halfwit Land!!

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Re: Tony Bruno got the 6-10 spot on 1540filthpig07:16:37 03/26/05 Sat
    Re: Tony Bruno got the 6-10 spot on 1540lafleur1712:05:40 03/27/05 Sun

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