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Subject: Re: You guys are crazy

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Date Posted: 17:01:04 07/13/05 Wed
In reply to: Jeff 's message, "Re: You guys are crazy" on 15:22:39 07/13/05 Wed

>>but do you like the show? who gives a fuck if he reads
>>the bible.
>I would never even listen to the show, if you ever
>argued with someone in person you can't stand to hear
>there whiney high voice on the radio ripping people
>new ones like they are an athority on sports. The man
>never played anything is his life. And who is he to
>judge other people? If you guys are falling for this
>SHOCK-JOCK stuff on the radio then that's too bad
>because its been going on for over 10-15 years with
>Stern. Atleast he is succsessful, chuck can't even get
>a solid spot in his own small hometown. That is
>because for as many people who know and like
>him.....you think he is bitchin and stuff......Well
>there are just as many people who know the real CHUCK
>BOOMS. He has screwed over people from California to
>Texas to Ohio. I mean some really major offenses that
>he somehow talked his way out of. So the bible has
>nothing to do with it.
> If you are really curious go actually ask Bill Mahr
>what he thinks about Chuck Booms since that is his
>only Claim to Fame. And as for Kiley and Booms I am
>told that KEvin can't stand pompus Chuck but went
>along with it because you idiot listeners made the
>Show a God Damn Money Wagon that both could not walk
>away from. Like I said if it was so successful in DC a
>few years ago then why was it cut? Because for as many
>people that liked it, Booms was also offending and
>stepping on toes over there. He is an absolute male
>bitch to work with. People high up on that totem pole
>had it out for chuck because they were sick of 2
>things.....COKE and Man-Sex!

For me it is all about whether the show is enjoyable to listen to. I think everyone realizes that Booms does not speak from the athletic perspective, but more from a fan's perspective. He is sometimes outrageous with his opinions but with Kilry to temper him, a real chemistry exists. It's a very lively and entertaining show and I can't wait to hear them on a regular basis again.

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