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Subject: Re: You guys are crazy

Craig in Tulsa
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Date Posted: 21:33:24 07/13/05 Wed
In reply to: filthpig 's message, "Re: You guys are crazy" on 19:52:05 07/13/05 Wed

>obviously you're entitled to your opinion Jeff, but i
>could care less who chuck has "screwed over" as you
>say. or what drugs he does, or who he has sex with for
>that matter, the show is entertaining to me and that's
>all that matters. it floors me that people like you
>continue to post on this board. if you despise the man
>so much why do you continue to follow his career. i've
>met chuck a couple times and he couldn't have been
>more gracious. i don't doubt for a second that there
>are some suits that don't like chuck, but that makes
>me respect him that much more. most suits i've dealt
>with in my life don't have a fucking clue. as for
>chuck making a money grab i don't doubt that either,
>but if any of us were in the same place (having a
>radio show that was at the top in many markets) we
>would try to get what we were worth. you can stop
>trying to sway opinios on this board with your
>accusations, because people on this board will always
>like what chuck brings to the table. A FUNNY FUCKING

I have been fortunate to meet Chuck on a couple of occasions as well, and he was probably the most gracious person that I have ever met. The guy truly cares for his fans and he will never hesitate to thank us. Kiley and he put on an entertaining show that many people have missed. One only needs to look at how this board has stayed alive over the time that they have been gone to realize this. Every time that I have met Chuck he has been nothing but a class act, and I hope that his return to the airwaves will continue to entertain his fans.

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Re: You guys are crazyFreddy17:38:19 07/16/05 Sat

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