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Subject: Re: Do we have a little life??

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Date Posted: 11:58:07 03/13/06 Mon
In reply to: graywolfsb 's message, "Re: Do we have a little life??" on 19:16:17 03/12/06 Sun

>It was so great hearing Kiley and Booms today. If the
>exectutive at the Philadelphia sports talk radio are
>smart they would ink these guys to a deal right away.
>With any luck hopefully a national syndicated radio
>network will carry their show. We shall see!
>>From Benmaller.com
>>Kiley & Booms on Philly radio?
>>WIP-AM (610) will reteam the radio duo of Kevin Kiley
>>and Chuck Booms this weekend for a tryout, according
>>Not coincidentally, WIP program director Tom Lee
>>supervised Kiley & Booms in their previous incarnation
>>at Fox Sports, out of L.A., which wrapped three years
>>ago. Lee says they have a "great sports presence and
>>share the ability to touch the nerve of an audience."
>>Like much of WIP, Kiley & Booms' show sometimes is
>>only tangentially about sports. They'll be on after
>>Saturday's Flyers game (4:30-ish to 8 p.m.) and Sunday
>>from noon to 4 p.m.
>>They'll work out of WIP's studio in Bala Cynwyd - not
>>by phone. Lee insists that he doesn't have a specific
>>spot in mind for Kiley & Booms, but notes that he has
>>a lot of airtime to fill.

did anyone happen to record this...

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