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Subject: Re: Some thoughts on Dad's show

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Date Posted: 21:15:17 04/11/07 Wed
In reply to: TonyinLA 's message, "Some thoughts on Dad's show" on 19:20:26 04/07/07 Sat

you apparently missed my thread a few months ago which contained an initial review of dad's first "official" day on the air. if you read it, you'll see i shared your sentiments, plus correctly predicted (a) kiley would carry the show and (b) farr wouldn't be able to sustain conversations and match kiley's competence. kevin isn't sounding more like booms; he's sounding more like the kiley he had to restrain (because of booms) when they were together. and dad has always been controversial to some degree (remember why the "kevin kiley show" got yanked ...).

i speculated in the "kiley update" thread that he could have some master plan to try to get farr replaced. it seemed far-fetched at the time - until i learned former k & b producer david singer had also become employed by kspn. i'm already growing weary of d-farr, but kiley's brilliance makes farr marginally tolerable. d'marco has been with the station for a few years, so unless he pulls a don imus, kiley's stuck with him.

>I've been listening to Dad's shows. Believe it or not
>I was pissed when they were putting on Angels
>exhibition baseball. Dad is sounding more like Booms
>these days. I'd guess that is because D'Marco Farr
>really sucks in my opinion. I'm surprised he is still
>on. Dad totally makes the show. He's fairly witty,
>has some great comebacks, and is somewhat
>controversial. Never thought I'd say that about Kevin
>Kiley. My hope is that they will eventually get rid
>of Farr and bring Chuckie back and go national. I
>miss all of you guys...Deacon, Icey, etc. You're like
>old friends I lost contact with. Keep up this board.
>I'll do my best to keep you guys updated on the show.
>I think you can hear it on the net. Take care Army!!!

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Re: Some thoughts on Dad's showIcey08:59:22 04/21/07 Sat

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