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Subject: Barge of the Dead - 2

DB (Don't test me - U will lose !)
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Date Posted: Sat, October 13 2007, 22:13:13
Author Host/IP: ool-44c13e36.dyn.optonline.net/

Well now where shall I begin. TF2 - THUMBS DOWN. I can't believe after all these years there is this failed attempt at making TFC 1.5 better. Why in the world would you take out an integral part of the game, nades, just because some assholes spam with them ? Here's a novel approach, how about admins doing their jobs and punishing wrong do'ers instead of the entire community by taking the nades out completely. Maybe a nifty plug-in or a programming change to restrict the availability of nades or reduce the amount that can be carried. Nooooo, that's way to smart. Let's punish everyone by taking them out. Brilliant, just brilliant ! After playing with nades for 7 years I went in on an assault and when I tried to fend off an attack with some nades, there were none, of course, and I was eventually killed. Then to add insult to injury there is this lousy, counter strike, 15 second respawn delay which is exactly why I hate CS ! When I come in to play I want to play not stand by and watch. I can't believe these people spent all this time improving the games graphics only to ruin it with the nade ban and delayed respawn. What the hell are they thinking ! Then have the nerve to bundle it with Episode Two, Portal, HL2 and HL2:E1 ! I already had HL2 & HL2:E1, why should I have to pay for it again ! Why can't I just by the ones I want ? Because these blood sucking leaches need to make more money and won't even listen to our complaints ! In all fairness HL2:E2 is excellent ! Portal is different but after 19 levels it's boring ! It's just puzzle solving until you reach a point that's impossible to solve - boring ! As for TF2 I was complaining I wasn't getting enough info to convert my server to TF2, now they can kiss my ass. It's not worth the aggravation to convert to something that is more like CS and less like TFC. They are supposed to be 2 different games - MORONS, VALVE HAS MORONS ON THEIR TEAM ! So, basically it cost me $49.95 for HL2:E2 (about 10 hous of play) and that's it. THANX VALVE ! Portal is DONE ! As soon as the newness of TF2 wears off, TF2 will be done TOO ! They ought to stick to what they do best (Half-Life) and stop trying to fix what isn't broken. Here's a good one for ya. When I complained in the the Valve forum about the nades I was told, "nades are NOT coming back so stop asking !" and they closed the thread. Let me guess, ur nose a little out of joint from SO MANY REQUESTS ! How about listening to the people who pay your salary by buying the games instead of slaming the door in their faces ! Ya bunch of JERKOFFS ! If I voice this opinion there, they will throw me out so I'd advise none of you to give them your two cents or they will close your STEAM account. DOUCHBAGS !

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