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Subject: UMT Auditions This Month (1st round*)

Bruce Cohen
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Date Posted: 14:08:54 11/03/04 Wed

Utah Musical Theatre Auditions!

Ogden’s own professional, summer-stock theater is specifically looking for local actors and actresses to audition for roles in our 2005 season. The shows we are now casting for are Annie/Side by Side by Sondheim (in rep), and the premiere of Wicked City Blues!

Casting breakdowns are available here:


Company/contracting information is available here:


November 12, 2004: 1st Local Audition*. 6 to 10PM (act/sing - adults, AEA and non-union).

November 13, 2004: 1st Local Audition*. 9AM to 12Noon (act/sing - kids), 1 to 4PM (dance callback- kids),
6 to 10PM (act/sing adults, AEA and non-union).

These auditions will be held in the Allred Theatre, in the Val Browning Center, on the Weber State University Campus. 1902 University Circle, Ogden, Utah.

Call the UMT office at 801.626.7775 with questions, and after November 8 to sign-up for a slot (each slot is 5 minutes for adults and 2 min for children). The first hour of each adult session is reserved for AEA (but unreserved slots will be released at the time of auditions). Kids' call-backs for the afternoon dance audition will be posted outside the UMT office after Noon, on the 13th. The combination will be taught promptly at 1PM.

Adults please prepare the following: 1-2 comic monologues & 2 songs (32 bars each of one ballad and one character). If you are interested in being considered for Side by Side, one of your selections must be a Sondheim song.

Kids please prepare the following: One nursery rhyme (memorized please) & 2 songs (32 bars each of one ballad and one character). Kids should also come prepared to dance, if called back.

All Roles Are Available!

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