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Subject: Re: Reply to White Trash In Ogden

Scott Woodham
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Date Posted: 13:57:39 12/15/04 Wed
In reply to: Carol Hasratian 's message, "Reply to White Trash In Ogden" on 00:35:40 10/16/04 Sat

Apparently you mistook the post I replied to as my post. I was simply defending Ogden against JT's Bountiful-based blather, not trashing your restaurant. There was no underlying motive on my part except to defend Ogden's good name from ninnies who should never leave the shelter of Bountiful.

But, I've never had a good experience at your store, or any El Matador for that matter; I avoid them all whenever I'm in the mood for that sort of food. I don't like El Matador whether it's in Bountiful or Ogden. That's just me though. But, so what if I don't like the food you serve? My family loves your store. I don't have to know any Hasratians to know the food at any El Matador isn't my favorite. In fact, if I did know any of you personally, I'd be more likely to tell you I'm dissatisfied with the food you serve. My point is that me disliking your food doesn't mean you aren't good people, and it sure doesn't mean Ogden is trashy like JT said it is. But, it does sound to me that JT was taking cheap shots at you and your family. I never intended to take shots at you, but he sure did, and I hope this rectifies things. I am a restaurant critic--that's all--not a Hasratian critic.

Just setting the record straight because you apparenly thought I said things that JT actually said. If you re-read the posts in question, you'll notice that JT said that garbage about your family, not me. Keep on keeping on.

And finally, thank you, I will enjoy my lunch.


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