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Subject: Re: Talk

Kyle Booth
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Date Posted: 09:09:09 02/17/03 Mon
In reply to: Andrew Stevens 's message, "Re: Talk" on 10:28:01 12/24/02 Tue

Ogden is like a phoenix waiting to explode into new life. When I see the rubble and hear the wrecking balls, it makes me excited. The city is molting and starting to burst into the flames that will reveal a new and revitalized creature. Ogden has great potential! It will take many people who can see that potential and who will fight to make it the great and beautiful town that it is meant to be.

Mayor Godfrey and the City Council are that kind of people, and, when they can agree with each other, can and have made some great things happen. As it has always been, any effort to improve -- to break inertia, change the status quo -- has been met by much resistance. Efforts by the mayor have been no exception. I hope that he will keep fighting and keep the vision that he has of a better Ogden, even in the face of resistance.

No doubt there are problems here. The City Weekly article hit on one of Ogden's ugliest problems. Meth has taken its toll here. Just walking through some parts of town, you can see the marks of crystal meth addiction on a good percentage of the faces. Drugs ruin everything. It's strange to me that in such a naturally beautiful place, this ugliness of drug-addiction has risen so effectively. Drugs ruin everything.

I don't take offense to the image of demolition rubble as representing Ogden, because I see it as a symbol of rebirth. It is the rejuvenating fire of the phoenix. I am excited to see what Ogden's new birth will bring and hope to be a part of it.

>Using demolition rubble to depict the city was a low
>As far as the author of the article, I think she was
>viewing the city through the lens of her drug
>addiction. She obviously had a hard time while she
>was here because of her habit. While under that
>cloud, she was unable to see the positive aspects of
>the community, and the city's potential for cultural
>and economic growth.
>>>Let's start talking about something. The Magazines
>>>great! Let's talk about some Ogden related issues or
>>>something. Anyone have a suggestion?
>>Yes. What do you think about City Weekly calling Ogden
>>a "meth Torn Town" ???? and using the Ogden city mall
>>redevelopment for cover photo to back that title up.
>>sensationalism. Lame. I think they got a drug addict
>>to write it who doesnt really know about Ogden. what
>>do you think????

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Re: TalkAntonio Alvarez03:41:01 04/03/03 Thu
  • Re: Talk -- Betty, 21:35:24 04/14/03 Mon

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