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Subject: Re: Rivers in Ogden

Jim Dell
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Date Posted: 17:12:05 04/15/03 Tue
In reply to: LBP 's message, "Rivers in Ogden" on 21:53:40 04/14/03 Mon

I wonder what kind of group could be put together to fight for this cause (cleaning up the rivers). I know there are lots of boy & girl scout groups, church organizations, etc. who would probably love to get involved in some cleanup days/projects. It would also be helpful to get some people together to go to City Council meetings (generally on Tuesday evenings) and talk about legislation and other ways of accomplishing this goal. Water seems to be a very important part of most successful cities. We have the water, it just needs to be taken care of.
The more we as citizens put into caring for the rivers, the more support we are likely to get from the powers that be (city gov., etc.) because they will see that it is something that really matters to us.

>I think a very serious issue to discuss about Ogdenb
>is how Filthy our Rivers are. THis town really needs
>to be cleaned up. Finally we have recyclying in Ogden
>and things are definately moving in the right
>direction. But something needs to be done about the
>amount of glass and garbage that is making its way to
>the rivers and other recreational areas. Awareness
>should be raised, community crews should help pick up
>the pieces and large fines should be given for
>littering (think how much $ the city could make by
>doing that).

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