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Subject: Re: Keeping it Clean

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Date Posted: 18:35:08 05/16/03 Fri
In reply to: Offended 's message, "Re: Keeping it Clean" on 18:27:01 05/16/03 Fri

>>As indicated by my moniker of "Digital Thought
>>Police", reduced to the acronym of "DTP", I hope to
>>encourage the facist goals of police every where in
>>upholidng the highest and most noble aims of humanity
>>-- proper spelling, uptight censorious conduct and
>>brutal chastisement of anyone thin skinned enough to
>>be abused. Your cooperation in this effort will be
>>With Love and Jack Boots,
>You dirty rotten rat bastard. I can tell from your
>sarcastic tone that you are mocking the very
>foundations upon which this country, state and
>religion were founded. Have you listened to Sean
>Hannity or Rush Limbaugh? Right is right, as am I.
>Do not be fooled, DTP is not a facist, but a pinko
>commie in disguise. God Bless America.

Dear Offended,

Obviously you were one of those thin skinned people that it is the aim of all humanity to abuse. Your politics are obviously misguided and it is right wing nuts like yourself that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany. I want you to know that I am personally acquainted with Sean Hannity. I know Martina McBride and I have the distinction of being personally responsible for making sure that she hits all her high notes. In case you really don't know anything about Sean Hannity, Martina is the babe who sings his bumper music, unlike me, your only hope of checking her out is on a website -- http://launch.yahoo.com/artist/default.asp?artistID=1017377 or you can buy a ticket to Stadium of Fire. I'll have a back door, excuse me, backstage pass.

If you were offended before, I really hope you are now.

Sincerely and with the upmost disregard,


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Subject Author Date
Re: Keeping it CleanO-Town Bubba22:54:26 05/22/03 Thu
Re: Keeping it CleanO-Town Bubba23:14:52 05/22/03 Thu

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